Opportunity to Sow Seeds

Word Wars

We know there are two kingdoms: the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. There are two heavenly hosts: the fallen angels and God’s angels. There is a constant nonstop warfare in the heavenlies, and there is a word war down here on Earth.

God says that we, as believers, are the ground control. We have authority with our words. So we need to line up our words with the Word of God, and then we will put to flight our destiny. We must not allow our tongue to work against ourselves. We say a wrong word and then Satan, the legalist that he is, will use that word to work against us.

So we speak things that are not as though they are. Whether you feel it, or you don’t. Whether you see it, or you don’t. We can’t submit to our feelings or to the natural. We need to speak against it. The enemy has the mouth of many shut, but God is opening them up now so we can use the sword of the Spirit and put God’s heavenly host to work for us, not against us.

We will tell them what to do. No negative agreement over here and there because the angels of darkness will carry those words on as well. If we don’t like what we see, don’t speak it. Speak life and light! Our words of life will overcome the enemy’s words. Watch what you speak! Angels (of light or darkness) have power if we give it to them because we have authority if we are a child of God. Whatever you speak on Earth will be done in heaven.

God works and moves by His word. If we don’t speak it, nothing will happen. Put the right thought in it! Take out what the enemy says, and put in what God says. We need to stop letting the devil use our tongues. Maturity has to do with how we control our tongues.

The Word will stop anything. Obey the Word, and everything else will be lined up. Walk in the Spirit, and you will speak spiritual things. The problem is that we end up going back to the basic things – the milk of the Word - all the time and never get to the maturity we are supposed to. We stay carnal. We need to go back to the Spirit. The spirit man is a free man!

The Word of God has to be our foundation. Satan turns our thoughts into our words, and once we start speaking, we put darkness in power! So many people say whatever and don’t know why they stay in their mess. Single-minded people are always stable. The Word penetrates our minds, and we start speaking in agreement with what we believe. This is why we take captive every word, thought, and whatever comes in our imagination that does not line up with God’s Words. If we don’t, we will begin to speak for the devil and not for God.

Speak things that are in the Word. It does not matter what you see or feel. There is nowhere to run but to the Word of God. There was only one church for them back in the book of Acts time for them to run to. They learned to change the situations by believing, by praying, and by enduring all things in love. They had to deal with things with the Word of God. They could not leave the church because there was no other church. They were the only one in the city. They were not denominational but family orientated, not organized religion, nor did they have planes or cars for them to run away. There was only ONE church in their region. So still today, there is no other. Fight for your brother and sister with the Word of God. Believe what it says. There was never a plan B in the Bible or in the book of Acts. Look at the power manifested when we are fully committed to one another and the Word of God.

The enemy plants in you things you want. The flesh fights the death on the cross, but you need to learn to pick up your cross. You don’t get promoted because you have been in a long battle but because you pick up your cross. The devil is legalistic. He even uses the Word of God for his own gain. He can and will use it against you. Think of Jesus in the desert being tempted with the very Word of God. The Word of God was being used against Him. If Jesus had allowed His situation, His natural man, to lead Him, He would have fallen. But Jesus said the Word back to Satan: “It is written.”

When I am not in a good place, I have to be in a quiet place. I need to not be around people that are in a bad place. Run for your life, or you will be speaking bad words, cursing with your own mouth. If you curse, you will live under the curse. Endure the chastising. Live by every Word that comes out His mouth, not your mouth. By your own words, you can bind yourself. “I will never do this and that.” Don’t speak out of your emotions.

Satan messes with our communication. He wants us to say whatever we feel or see. But love, says the Word, takes no record of wrong. Satan kills, steals or destroys. We need to break these inner vows because we speak those things out of emotion or frustration. God told you to do something but the outcome was not good, then you start giving up. You start wavering. You start to be put to sleep. Then when we feel tired of standing and fighting for the Truth, we began to speak out of the abundance of how our heart feels. If you have evil in your heart, you will speak evil. If you are unstable, you will speak one day life and another day death. We should protect the words. Don’t ignore the person, but protect your words. Take one step back, and make sure that the next time you speak, words of life will come out of your mouth. We are commanded to love our enemies and to bless those that curse us and to pray for those who misuse and mistreat us and not to speak bad about them.

Let us be abundantly filled with the Word of God, abundantly filled with love, abundantly filled with peace. Don’t tell the enemy what he wants you to say. Your flesh wants you to do this and that. Your flesh hates the cross, and when it is time for you to pick it up, your flesh will try to stop you like Peter did to Jesus, but you need to say, “Get behind me. I will go to the cross!” The greatest enemy of the cross is not Satan but your flesh, your own will. This is a form of rebellion. This is why it is very important to be a hearer of the real Gospel and do it.

Be founded on the Word. Don’t be built on your circumstances or environment or on what you see or feel. God has put us together. He knows what He is doing. You will be tossed to and fro if the Word of God is not your foundation.

When you get your tongue under submission, your whole body will be saved. James talks about that: the man that bridles his own tongue. Just like we put a bit in the horses mouth, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to tame our tongue and to train it in how to speak.

Your tongue is little but powerful. It is the tongue that defiles your whole body and defiles relationships. God uses the example of a ship. Look how big the ship is but then look at how small is the rudder. It controls the entire direction of the huge ship; so shall our tongue. A person that is not submitted to the cross or Holy Spirit cannot control his tongue. Nobody can contain the tongue. If you are not submitted to the Holy Spirit, you will never be able to contain your tongue. It will start fires everywhere and will burn up all the good! We must learn to control it. James says that you will be tossed by waves and end up where your circumstance wants to take you and not where the Word of God wants to take you.

When we use authority in a wrong way, we will bring hell upon ourselves. Out of the same mouth cannot proceed blessings and curses! This is not how it ought to be. Bitter and sweet waters? God’s fountain brings forth only living water! We need to use our mouth to advance the Kingdom of God inside and all around us through our mouths! We will either bring life or death!

Our main purpose is to die! Stop agreeing with what you have inside of you and bend to the Truth and you will be speaking life! Don’t speak what your flesh wants. “I,I,I” but God is saying, “The Word, The Word, The Word!” There is only one “I” that needs to prevail, the great “I AM”, not you, not me, but HIM! Let Him prevail in your mind and mouth. God is saying, “There is no way to reach you if I cannot teach you.”

Your mouth will bring you to confusion, heresies, strife, and envies. You had better be quiet rather than lying against the Word if it is not submitted to the Word of God. When we cannot keep our emotions in check, the Body of Christ will help you to line it up. This is why we need people on the Rock around us.

We keep complaining with our mouth and asking God for other things than what He has given us, but we need to understand that all things work together for our own death. You can speak to the mountain to be removed, but depending on if what you say is on your lust or the word, the mountain will stay right there. We all get tired of speaking what we don’t see, but we need to go back to the sincere milk of the Word! Feelings or the Word? Flesh or Spirit? Natural or faith? Love never fails. Love never gives up. Love keeps no record of wrongs. See everything with the eyes of love, and you will be encouraged and empowered! Your tongue will speak life because your heart is full of it! Only the abundance of it you will speak!

Go to the cross. Rend your heart. Humble your tongue under His Word. The Word will bring you up. The Holy Spirit will lift you up. Get your lips back in alignment. Get your heart back in alignment. You can’t stop half way. You have to go all the way to the cross. Training is brutal. The fire is hot. But it is always worth it.

Sin is to know what is right and not do it. What is right? The Word of God! Go to it. Do it. Death and life are in the power of what you speak. You will eat the fruit of it. If God said you are holy, and you don’t feel it, you will think you are dirty, but that is just feelings. You can’t blame anybody because you are the one going by your feelings. Go to the throne of grace, confident, and you will start seeing you clean again!

You will eat the fruit of what you believe and think. Don’t speak anything contrary. Or Satan will move your direction because your tongue controls your whole body. This is a serious word. We will eat the fruit of our own words. Let it be a good fruit.

Decree and declare the Word of God: I break every lie of the devil. I put the blood of Jesus over me. Align my whole being with your Spirit, God. I repent for speaking anything that was evil, doubt, unbelief, from my emotions or feelings. I untie the knot. I break apart every word that did not come forth from the Word of God. If I cursed myself or anybody, Jesus as the son of God gave us all authority and power over every evil. I call them back. I take the power of every word, every word that did not line up with what you say, God. I release blessing over my Church, my life, my wife, husband, family, children and self. Satan, I command all of your words to fall to the ground. I am strong. I have a calling. I have a destiny. God has plans for my life. I will not be tossed to and fro by the winds of doctrine. I line up myself with His fresh living water. I speak it over my life, and I call back every single word, and I take all the power over the enemy’s camp. I send forth all the angels in heaven that work for Jesus Christ to bring the finances, bring the healing, bring the cross, and push back the devil. I decree that I have the victory. I have lost a few battles, but I will win the war. Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith. It is not my emotion, not feeling. This is the war that I make through my word for me, and I release the blessings of God. We agree with every Word of God. Everything will come to pass, and every word that I spoke will not. Help our tongues, Holy Spirit! Let us not lean on our own understanding, but lean on our husband, the Word!

Word: 1 Peter 2:2-4, John 10:10, 1 Corinthians 3:1, James 3, Luke 6:45-49, James 4

Click here to watch the full message: https://youtu.be/xj2nojkTwtU

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