Opportunity to Sow Seeds

The Law of Life

We’re not under the law anymore! Yes, that’s right! But false grace comes to a point where anything is permissible or whatever you think is right or wrong is permissible. No, we’re not under the law, but NOW we are under a new law: The law of the Spirit of life, meaning that whatever the Spirit speaks pertaining to this life and godliness is what we go by, not by our own morals, not by the morals and laws of the world or our own eye, but the law that whatever the Spirit says is what I’m bound to! I’m free from the bounds of this life and the law of sin and death that I may be free to be bound by the Holy Spirit and not another spirit!

Everyone is controlled by a spirit, but is it the Holy Spirit? To those controlled by the Holy Spirit, there is no law because the HOLY Spirit is HOLY. Those who walk in that spirit walk in HOLINESS, true holiness of the heart, a higher righteousness than the law and all the Pharisees put together! This can only be done by God. Any other law besides the law of the Spirit, the Holy One, will produce boasting of all different kinds! Why? Because it’s your righteousness no matter what! Your righteousness is your flesh trying to be right with God by actions or self-production, and meanwhile God says NO flesh pleases Him.

Whether you’re trying to go by “The Law of Moses,” or “The Law of Moses in your version,” or “The Law of Morals” or “The Law of (PutYourNameHere)”: All these types of law are only relying on your flesh or your ability to walk right before God or walk in some kind of righteousness. Yes, even your own version of what is right and wrong or good and evil is a “Law of Man!” Anything interpreted by your carnal mind is of this World. Your carnal mind is at war with the Spirit says the Bible!

When you see everything including the Word of God through your carnal mind, you’re fighting against God because, yes, you’re reading the Bible, but your carnal mind is telling you what it all means, and all this time, you’re using and hearing the Word but your insides are at war with the Spirit. The Spirit and the carnal are always at war with each other. Any carnal understanding of the Word is at war with God. Any carnal understanding of the law is a law that is against the law of God. The law is spiritual, fulfilled by the Spirit of Christ which is the Holy Spirit.

The only way to walk in real righteousness, the righteousness Of Christ, is by The Spirit of God. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible, and all of this is possible! Jesus died to fulfill the law. How did He fulfill it? By shedding his own royal, sinless blood, He opened up the door for those who believe, that the Spirit of life would enter them and write laws on their hearts, that they would not do what is required by God just because He said it. Instead, they would do what is required by God because they want to, because they have become one with Him and like Him, hating what He hates, loving what He loves.

Anyone who tries to obey God with their outward man or in the flesh is religious and is becoming or already is legalistic. The key to not being legalistic is to stop trying this upright walk with God by your own understanding. This is The Key: Follow and obey the Holy Spirit! You know what that requires. Put down your Bible for a second or two, and GO KNOW HIM! If you don’t KNOW the author of that book, then you don’t know the book!

Everything in the Kingdom moves by the Spirit, and when we read the Bible by our flesh, we create 1000 different versions of Christianity all in the name of Christ but in vain. These denominations have no rain and dwell in a dry place because they are building their house on the sand, calling the sand the word of God, but it’s not the Word of God. It’s our translation of it. Then we fade away wondering why the word didn’t save us, but it wasn’t the Word!  We need the Spirit of God. Then we can call it the Word! Then we can live out the highest form of righteousness and holiness because we will know through the spirit that pours out the heart and understanding of what God is saying that HIS righteousness looks like.

The carnal man sees a way that is right but brings forth death. A carnal man sees a righteousness and a holiness that is right to himself but it brings forth death, but God sees it ALL differently. We need to get this. Because the law to the carnal man is death and its fruit is sin. The carnal man cannot carry out the will of the law because it doesn’t know the lawmaker! The spirit man carries it out because he lives by the Spirit of God, and the Spirit has all power to walk out and over any law! The Spirit is more lawful than the law! The law is spiritual, and when you live by the law through the Spirit, you will actually gain wisdom from it through the Spirit. Then will the law and the commandment become life in you.

Everyone says we’re not under the law anymore but under grace. True. Though what kind of grace? Greasy Grace or the grace of empowerment to become the sons of God? Yes, we’re under grace but not your version! God’s version! We are under the grace of the Holy Spirit to follow Him and be enabled by Him to do what He says. No flesh can glory when the Spirit of God performs the work of God in you without your ability. The Spirit is looking for surrender! Only then will He render to you everything you need for this walk. The Spirit is your grace to run this race! And if you don’t have that grace, you are becoming a waste! Because Jesus died for a bride that would become one with Him and become a son like Him, not people who just stand around and say: It’s okay, we’re all just sinners saved by grace! No!

You were a sinner, now you are saved by a grace that cleansed you from darkness and continues to purify you by the Spirit. This is a grace that continues to save you and bathe you. No more of this grace that we do whatever, and everything is permissible if you want it to be. It’s time to submit to the law of the Spirit, the law that is the highest form of law, a law that enables you to follow it and keep it without striving. It’s time to come under the freedom of the law of the Spirit and be led by the Holy Spirit Himself! This is your new grace! This is your new law! Live by the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the deeds of the flesh. THIS IS THE LAW OF GOD! THE SPIRIT THAT GIVES LIFE!



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