Opportunity to Sow Seeds


Know no man after the flesh. We need to know man after the Spirit. We need to know man after the new creation. Christ being manifested in you: this is how we must see it, by faith; as we see it by faith, we will be transformed into it! The old man, the old desire, the old thing was buried with Christ (2 Corinthians 5). All things became, are becoming, and have become new! Christ imputed all unrighteous man into the righteousness of God! All that Christ did for us will be attained by faith. If you are an ambassador, that means you are not from this world. Let your mind be washed today and transformed into the mind of Christ! If you have this mind, we have the ability to think, to move, to react like Christ, and to move in His mind as we move in His Word! If I am a heavenly ambassador, the laws of this world cannot touch me. If we walk in love and in Truth, we are immune to the spiritual laws of Earth - I am talking about the spiritual realm and the power of sin and darkness!

When Christ died, we did. When Christ rose, we rose (Romans 6:3-5). This is eternal life. This is the salvation attained not by our righteousness, but His righteousness. Who is Christ? Christ is the Word! As we are being renewed by the Word of God, we are being renewed into Christ's image. That is why the Word has been so twisted. This way our image of Christ can never be manifested. When the Word of God finds good ground, those who accept and welcome the Word of God are the ones becoming new every single day. The Word of God is planted, and it is watered by the very Word of God. The same seed is the same water that causes that seed to grow and grow, just as the kingdom of God, just as us becoming new. The Word of God going from a seed to a tree growing inside of us. We, being planted by HIM, the river, are being washed in the river, are being renewed day by day as we are being changed.

How is Christ living in us and no longer us living? Christ, which is the Word being alive inside of us, so it no longer us but His Word living inside of us! We are being transformed by the washing of the water of the Word. His Word has made us clean (John 15:3) and now we can enter in! Today, we want to impart this new creation identity through the power of the cross and of the power of the Word. God is enduing us with power to become sons of God. He wants us to increase our faith in Him and believe that the blood of Jesus has power. We are not what we look like. We are what He said we are. If we keep looking at what we look like and not at Him, we will never manifest this new creation. Faith is the substance of our new identity and of our becoming a new creation by the washing of the Word.

What does be renewed mentioned in Ephesians 4:23-30 really mean? We are going back to that factory from where we came from. Let’s think of a phone. If a phone gets in the hands of another or its box is open, that phone is considered used. It is no longer new. If there is a problem or not with that phone, it has been contaminated. It has been purchased, so no matter what, it’s used. The owner sends it back to the original seller or owner. That phone that was already used and sold now needs to be refurbished. The same happened with humankind. Satan bought us by sin, now Jesus purchased us by His blood. What contaminated us by sin and by the world now is being renewed by His Word and His power. The cross being the power to us who believe. Now we are sent back. We get born again. Now we have a heavenly identity. Now we are back to what was supposed to be from the beginning. The moment we decide to go back to the One who made us, we start manifesting what is becoming new. The moment we go back to the cross, whatever was dead is put back to life, is being renewed, refurbished, and made as new! What was lost through sin is bought back and cleansed by His Blood and is being renewed by His Word.

Now we need to put on that new man! How do we do that? By faith. Abraham has been the father of faith and has made so many mistakes! But I choose the faith of Jesus. Jesus Christ became faith! Before the father of faith (Abraham) was, Jesus said, I am (John 8:58)! It takes the power of God to not desire the works of the flesh! It takes the power of the Gospel, the power of the cross, the power of the Spirit, without wavering, without striving. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God (John 1:1), and now the Word has become flesh in us! I did not find God. He found me. God did not get lost. Mankind did through the sin of one man. He saved us and has given us all wisdom and power to live a Godly life, to continue in the salvation of the Lord, in the Word, in this transforming renewing power, and to continue in the grace to become a new creation. But satan always starts his conquering quest through your mind. Because if you start thinking about yourself outside of Christ, you will never become new. The full armor of God is Christ! To be clothed in Him is to be clothed. Outside Him, we will be found naked. “Lord, clothe us again in Your glory!”

The power of the old man is destroyed by the nails of the cross! When He was nailed to the cross, so were you! “If I be lifted up on this cross, they will be lifted up, too.” If Jesus had not died, our identity would never have been able to be restored! Jesus remained on that cross, and because of that, when He comes back, we as well will be receiving a new body. Now it is just a matter of time! If He did not do what He did, we would never be able to be who God wants us to be. Because He said, “It is finished,” now our transformation starts. Jesus was the last sacrifice. He Himself sanctified us! You better believe it! When we see this happening in our lives, faith is increased in us. Be renewed! Become new! Our spirit was with Christ; now when we are born again, that same spirit that was in Christ comes back inside of us! Keep Christ on! He is your new man! Put on Christ (the Word) and make no provision for the flesh!

Sin bit the people (Numbers 21:5-9). Sin bit Adam and Eve. Sin bit humanity. The bite of sin, the bite of death… But once Jesus shed His blood for our redemption, and once repentance comes in, that poison of sin is sucked out of us! Jesus stomped on the head of all serpents. Paul shook off that snake in the pit of fire (Acts 28:5). God said to Moses, “Make a golden serpent and everyone that looks at it will live.” Now, Jesus became that curse for us. Now, we must keep our eyes on Him. Look at Him! Everything was done on the cross! What was done in the garden, was fixed on the cross. What was broken in the garden, was renewed on the cross. Some of us still look at ourselves. Look at Him! Jesus became a curse - sin for us (Galatians 3:13). He who knew no sin became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). He replaced the curse with the blessing. Therefore, our faith must be on Him, not on us or on our works of the flesh but on His works on the cross, and we must obey all that He says. 

Have you received this word by faith? (Galatians 3:1-16). The evidence of our faith is the renewing of ourselves! We are the miracle substance that God wants to see. The evidence of Jesus’s faith. As we believe in Jesus, we will be counted as righteous! This is the New Testament of His blood: a new man in Christ - the new man being manifested. Faith is life. And the righteous are justified by faith, real faith. I must believe! Because He said it, He is doing it! It is not about what I see, how I feel, but because of what He says. Just as He is, so am I (Proverbs 23:7). Don’t look at yourself in the mirror, look at the Word. The Word is your new mirror. Your new mirror is Christ, and His Word is the mirror to our soul. Look upon that “golden serpent” on the cross. Look upon the son of God hanging there, made a curse for us! I am not justified by what I do. My justification comes from His blood! Look at Him! In Christ, we are blessed! In Christ, we are righteous! In Christ, there is no condemnation! Because of my faith, I believe and our works are now manifested by the fruits, not by the flesh.

We are not justified by the law but by the One that fulfilled the law. This is good news: He became like that golden serpent and our eyes must be on Him! God is saying, “Look at My son, believe My son, and you will be transformed, you will be born again, you will be healed, restored, and renewed.” One man sinned and we all died because of that serpent bite, but because of the obedience of one man, we were healed from it and got power over it to crush the head of the serpent. Though we were born dead, now we are born again and are alive! Everything stolen is now restored. That which was lost is now found (Matthew 18:11). Glory, power, intimacy: all restored! Now I am back in the garden. His Spirit is quickening this new man, giving me a new mind, giving me a new identity, giving me the new man in Christ’s DNA. No more soulish food, I want spiritual food!

“I am the true and living bread! Believe in me, eat from me, have life and life more than abundant,” said God. Because of His name, His plan, His way, and His thoughts, not mine, I was bought with a price. No longer I live but Christ lives in me. The power of the cross, the preaching of the cross means nothing to the world, nothing to the unbelieving, nothing to the religious system, but to me, to us, IT IS THE POWER OF GOD, the POWER TO BECOME A NEW CREATION…anyone in Christ is a new creation, all things have passed away, and all things became new. It does not matter if it has been thousands of years. It does not matter. We are walking in the newness of life! Because we look at Him, we are free, we are a new creation, we are healed. It does not matter what I see, I believe because it is written! It is written! I believe every day I am becoming new! Old things have passed away! Old men have passed away! A new man in Christ is being manifested. Just look at Him! 

Shane Roessiger

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