“Ho!” There is a clear invitation: Isaiah 55:1-11, “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.”  (Verse 1)   

But to do so, this passage tells us to focus our ears on the heavens so we can hear what the Spirit is saying. He has given seed to the Sower. We are all Sower: Sower of the Word of God, Sower of the righteousness of God. And He always brings the rain! But before, the seed must die and fall into the ground. Jesus is the first seed! We are His harvest! Now, we are the seed for His harvest, and God gives the increase! God does the miracle in the darkness, even where there is no light. You may not see the bud yet, but God always gives the increase. What He is doing in secret will be manifested by the light (Ephesians 5:13). The light in the world is the SUN. In the Kingdom, the Light is the SON.  Jesus was in the womb of Mary; then, after the word was given by God, in the process of time, God did a miracle in her. Then He was planted (birthed) into this world. But the first fruit of many happened after His death and burial as He was put in the tomb.

“The word that comes out of my mouth shall not return void unto me. It shall accomplish everything that was sent that which I please. And it shall prosper to do what I have sent to it.” (Verse 11)

His word will return to God with everything that it was sent to do. It will not return to God empty-handed! The revelation of Jesus was first the word sent forth as a seed. Then He became a seed that died (John 12:24)!   Jesus was a savior even before He was born. Jeremiah was a prophet even before he was ever born (Jeremiah 1:4-5). The Word came to Jeremiah and told him even before he was formed. God knew us before we knew Him. He knew you even before you knew Him. Jeremiah was set apart, cut off from others, and separated from others. Jeremiah saw himself as a child (verse 6), but God corrected him because He wanted Jeremiah not to return void. He was saying, “For thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.” In other words, He was saying, “Go and do what I told you, and you won’t come back empty but will accomplish all I have sent you to do” (verse 7). He put His words in Jeremiah’s mouth. Jeremiah was set over the nations (verse 10) as a prophet, and he did not even know about it! Jeremiah was set to not return void! 

The prosperity in all He has sent you to do may not happen right away, but He has promised us. He has given us the Word, and the Word is in us to accomplish that which it is sent to do. 

Jesus never returned back to His Father void. Let’s read John 12:23-26. Jesus was the Word, and He did not return void. Every single thing that He was sent to do, He did. So shall we! Jesus, in this Word, was explaining the cross to the disciples, “Whatever I do in the natural, you will have to do as well.” Jesus was the Word. And His Word is in us. If we die to ourselves, the Word lives. The Word accomplished all and prospered in all it was sent to do. That is called multiplication! That is called true prosperity when the Word accomplishes all that is ever written for it to do inside and through us! If Jesus is the first fruit of many brethren, then we also shall not return void! That is called seed-time-harvest. Miracles done in time will manifest that which it is planted to do when God says it. 

People will go to heaven empty-handed or live their lives always returning void. Because only His words shall not return void, but they lived their lives by their own words. We are to be conformed to the image of God’s son (Romans 8:28-30). Jesus was a fruitful son. We are predestined to be as fruitful as He is! 

Always remember, it is not us but Him doing all, speaking all, our Father in us and through us (Matthew 10:12-22). It is written. If it is written, we know that it was and is and is to come! 

Where are you written? Are you predestined and set apart like it says in Romans 8? Or are you one of those people who carries one voice as the sound of many waters mentioned in Revelation 19:6?  Are you one with the Holy Spirit or one with the anti-Christ spirit?  You are written in the pages. Where are you at? It is written. You are written. We are written. Everyone is written in the pages, but if you are a branch, then you shall produce fruit in due season. 

In the beginning was the Word (John 1:1). He is the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8). If you are in Him, you are just as He is. 

Don’t get correction twisted with accusation. The accuser is always looking for what is wrong. The corrector is always looking for how he can help us to do right and to grow in maturity. He is always showing Him in the Word and helping you to be like Him as the image of the one who is in you! You are predestined to be conformed (Romans 8:29).

 If you have not the source, you have not the fruit. We are known by the fruit (Matthew 7:20). 

No tongue that rises against you in judgment shall be condemned (Isaiah 54:16-17). Everything that He created in us, He uses the coals in the fire as an instrument! Everything done in secret will be manifested by the light! But how about all the things that He is doing in us in secret, and we cannot see it now? It will take a while. The stronger the root is, the stronger the tree. The bud will spring forth. The Kingdom of God may be in a seed form, but it will grow! That seed shall not return void! So just like the Word is as a seed according to Christ that is planted in us, and we are the ground. Some water, some sow, but God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6-7-9). The increase is the miracle done in the dark, done in the secret, done beneath. Then, the process of time starts. It shall be manifested by the light. What is being done is the secret. The secret shall be manifested by the light. Sunlight and water bring forth the growth in the natural. But how about in the Kingdom of God? So many seeds in the dark are about to spring forth. Do not focus on the flesh; focus on the Word that will not return void. It shall spring forth into everlasting life. This is the resurrection power in us. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word is a seed, and a seed becomes flesh and dwelt among us. The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32)! 

We are of God, little children (1 John 4:4-17). It may not feel like we have overcome or have won, but the Word says WE HAVE 

OVERCOME THEM! I shall not return void! Greater is the seed inside of you than the seed that is in the world! We are of God, and we know God. God did not create religion. He created the Word, the Truth, and Life. People try to put God together with religion, but it won’t work! We must recognize the spirit of error so we will not receive from it! People think they are alive just because they are born. No. They are born dead because of sin. That is why they need to be born again, so they can come back to life! Exchanging seed from corruptible to incorruptible, from bad to good, from death to life, from wickedness to Godly life, from lies and deception to Truth and perfection. The incorruptible seed takes over the corruptible seed! Are you with the GREAT I AM? Are you the image of the GREAT I AM? Are you as great as the great I AM? Are you one with Him? You may not look like you are, but it is written. You shall be, and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4)! We are not going to be - we are. We are not yet manifested, but it will happen because it is written! This manifestation will happen through His Body, through His glory on Earth. When that happens, what is written will testify of Him and Him in you! 

“Father, thank you because in you we have our being. Transform us in secret - and bring it back to light. We believe in Your Word!” Jesus pointed to us and said: You are the light - you are the city on the hill. Don’t try to hide! Just because men hate the light because their works are evil, you shine for Him! 

“Father, thank you because we are His righteousness, and we will never return void, and all that you have sent us to do shall be accomplished in You, in Your Word. This is what is written. You said, ‘In the beginning is the Word.’ If you knew Jeremiah, you also knew me even before sending me out! You wrote everything you already saw. You spoke, and then it was! Father, thank you for the Word that always accomplishes something inside of us because this very Word that is now inside of us shall not return void. We shall prosper in everything the Word was sent to do through us. Amen!”  

Shane Roessiger 

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