Many people use divination to hear something and make their desires come to pass, saying God told them this, God told them to do that, or God told them to go here. There are undeniable signs that can tell when someone is genuinely hearing from God and when someone is deceiving themselves! 

When God is on something, there are signs and wonders following. There is a fruit. On the contrary, some people use their little fruit to justify their works and say it was God. God will use us even outside of His perfect will because He wants to save people and set people free. God can use anything and uses all things for the good of those who love God and are called to His purpose! Though, like Shane says, “I don’t want God to USE me; I want to work with Him.” When God tells us to do something, He backs it. There are undeniable signs, fruit, confirmations, confidence, and boldness. There is provision for the vision. 

When someone is always asking for money for their project, beware. That project may not be from God! “I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread” (Psalm 37:25). If it’s God's will, it’s His bill! He pays the bills, or else you’re out of His will! Many will not like this because they have been doing it this way but have only done what they have seen others do, but we need to come out of the old wineskin and come into the new. Many will be offended because of pride, but nevertheless, let’s preach truth! We need to be free from the system, and enter into the Kingdom. Some have actually done things and projects from God but still have leaven because of what the spirit of man and mammon has taught them because they never had good leaven-free examples around them to go before them and show them the way. Many have a lot of grace because they don’t know any better, but it’s time for us to no longer be ignorant. God is raising up a generation of renegades that are going to come against the grain and establish a new and living way, His way! Back to the Word.

See, I just want to fulfill God’s will and plan for me. That’s where there is peace, joy, righteousness, and full assurance. More signs of God’s backing behind something is a manifestation of the Kingdom of God: there is a joy in serving Him. An excitement, an oil of gladness because the Anointing brings joy! There is an Anointing to do what God sets us out to do. Without the Anointing, we can do nothing because the Anointing is Him! When God has us do something, it is not dry. He’s always present when something is Him. When God gives us a project, we do not work alone. He is working with us. He’s in everything, even the details. When something is not of God, it’s hard to see Him in it because He’s not! Another sign something is not from God is that you are always looking for signs and confirmation to confirm it. We shouldn’t be chasing signs and wonders; signs and wonders should be following us!  A lot of times, we’re trying to make ourselves believe something is God because we want it to be God, but it’s not God! 

When God backs something, He shows it! He is not shy about it. He wants it to be made known unto men and to you, that it’s Him. Just like with Jesus, it was made known unto men multiple times: a voice cried out from heaven saying, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased!” (Matthew 3:17). And the disciples heard it. It’s things like this that make the Will of God undeniable, not questionable! When John the Baptist questioned God’s will, Jesus didn’t try to prove it to Him. He just showed Him the evidence! The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the gospel preached to them (Luke 7:18-22).

Another sign that something is not from God is you are always trying to prove to everyone that it is! When something is from God, it proves itself! People can see it! And when it’s really God, it will actually work the opposite and God will send people to you to prove to you that what you’re hearing or doing is from God. He will establish His word by 2 or 3 witnesses! Sometimes we doubt what God shows us, but He will bring absolute assurance! 

Another sign that something is from God is the religious spirits hate it! Just like with Jesus, the biggest enemy of His ministry was not the world. It was the spirit of religion inside the Pharisees and Sadducees. See, even when Jesus was put in front of a worldly leader, they didn’t even want to kill Him. They found no fault in Him. If the religious spirit is backing you, it might not be from God because religious spirits only like things that are dead! 

Another sign something is from God is there is a grace to do what you’re called to do. One sign of something not being God’s will is that there’s no grace! There’s a striving to it, there’s a heavy labor and laden to it. Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden is so light. Is the yoke easy? Is the burden light? Then it may be God. But if flesh and blood have to push it forward, then it might be divination! God does not give us heaviness because we’re not called to do the heavy lifting. If you're doing the heavy lifting, you might be doing it alone. 

Not every sign and wonder is from God. The Bible says when the anti-Christ comes on the earth, he will do many signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Be not deceived. Even the devil can bring false signs and wonders and confirmations as well to back your will. Yet when he does it, it’s questionable, manipulative, and deceiving. Like the damsel that bore witness to Paul and his ministry. Even her witness was true, but the source was false. This is why we have to have discernment because lying spirits can even speak truth but deceive many. If a lying spirit can speak truth, then how much discernment are you going to need when lying spirits are bearing witness to a lying project? 

Even Ahab called for prophets to bring false prophecies that would line up with his desires. How many false prophecies are being spoken today that are prophesying to the desires of men, making them think it’s God? Then, “Wow! Confirmation because that guy doesn't even know me, and that’s what I’ve wanted. It has to be God!” The devil is tricky! But if you ask for bread, you will not get a stone; and if you ask for a fish, you will not get a serpent! See, we hear God, and signs wonders confirm what we heard. Not the other way around! 

The gift of discernment will sift through the lies and keep you from being deceived. If you covet any gift, covet the gift of the discerning of spirits, or else you will even be deceived by the truth. Paul had that gift and wasn't deceived by the damsel's words because he wasn't deceived by the spirit that was behind the words! Don’t always hear words, check the source of those words!

Never be deceived by a person’s words. Always test the spirits and see if they be of God (1 John 4:1)! One way we can test the spirits is by asking God with a genuine heart if it be of Him. Though, if we ask God with a covetous heart, we will get a stone or a serpent because deep down, we’re not looking to hear the truth. We’re looking to confirm our lie! And the devil wants to give it to you so that he can lead you astray. A pure heart can see what is God. To the pure, all things are pure, but those with an impure heart always ask amiss! 

When you get more mature and know your Father’s voice, when you know your Father’s touch, and when you know what He looks like and feels like, you know the spirit that is behind the voice! God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind! We have to know the Fruit of the Spirit to know when it’s the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit is also power! The Bible says, “The Spirit will bear witness to our spirits that we are the Sons of God” (Romans 8:16). When something is of God, it bears witness in our spirits. It sticks; it doesn’t make us double-minded; it doesn’t torment us; it doesn’t toss us to and fro. Nothing founded on the rock is unstable. Another sign of something that is not of God is that it is always shaken. The Bible says whatever can be shaken shall be shaken. When something is built upon sand, when something is built upon hay, wood, and stubble, it can be moved. When something is from God, it can stand through tribulation and trials. 

When you are doing something from God, we’re not saying there won’t be trials, or there won’t be tests; in fact, there will be! But it’s only to show and prove that what you’re doing is from God or if it’s not because it has withstood the storm. If it still stands through the storm, we know nothing stands through the storm unless it is found upon the rock! But if it’s found under the rock, crushed to powder, then we know that it wasn't! Fall upon the rock or the rock will fall upon it and crush it to pieces. Whatever you’re doing might be successful for a time, but if it’s not from Jesus, it will be found under the rock, not on the rock! He is a jealous God. He will have no other gods before Him. He does this out of love. Some are stuck in the belly of a whale like Jonah, and all hell is breaking loose in their life because they’re running after their own will or running away from God’s will! 

We don’t want anyone to have fear of stepping out in faith in what God tells them to do, but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10)! Some people have no wisdom, and they keep being led away by diverse lust and foolishness because they have no Fear of God in them! The Fear of God will help us hear The Voice of God! Some can’t hear His voice because they don’t fear doing things of God without God! 

See, we need to be careful not to serve God without God. Some are doing Godly things but God is not in it. I want God to be in everything I do, or else I will always feel empty inside. Void, unfulfilled, this is another sign of something not being of God - there’s no fulfillment! Some people keep doing certain things, and it’s like a broken cistern that always runs dry! They keep having to do whatever they think they are called to do like they are taking a hit from a drug that never gives them a high! 

When it’s God’s will, it’s fulfilling. What God calls you to do is not what fulfills you. It’s when we do what God calls us to do, that is what fulfills us! Read that again! Because He’s pleased when we’re in His will, and it’s His pleasure that fulfills, not what we do. Many are running to wells that never quench their thirst! When you do something that’s not of God, a sure sign that it’s not from God is there’s never any rest, never any satisfaction, and you always feel unsatisfied. You still feel like it’s not enough, or you have to do more or something is missing. Everything looks good in the natural, but something is missing! It’s not something but someone! It’s God that’s missing! 

See, even when you don’t have it all together in the natural, but it’s God’s will, you have everything you need to be satisfied because you have God. It’s not the things that I do that satisfy me, but the one that calls me to do it that satisfies! It doesn't have to be perfect to be rewarding; it just has to be God! That’s the only question you need to know when running with a vision. Is it God? It may not look like what you thought it would look. God calls you to do a crusade, and 5 people show up, but is it God? That’s all you need to know! Stop looking at what it looks like because 500 people can show up without it even being God! If it’s God, then you will have all the gas in the tank that you need to do it. You can have zero money in your account, no one to help, no resources, but you have all you need to do what God called you to do. God. 

He’s all that you need, and He will provide all that you need according to His riches and Glory to fulfill His plan, not yours! All you need to do is tap into His plan, and provision and resources become unlimited because God is not limited! It might seem like you don’t have enough to do it or to make it happen, but if it’s God, all that you need will come. If something is God, all you have to do is trust, wait, and do whatever He tells you to do, and the rest is on Him as you rest in Him! 

You’re not called to make plans; you’re called to get with the plan, to be a steward of the plan. If God entrusts you with a vision, it’s not yours; it’s His. And that’s amazing cause if it’s His, you don’t need to try to make it happen. You just need to do the light work and be in step with Him, and He will make it happen. That’s rest; that’s the easy yoke, the light burden! His will, His way, His Plan - there is no striving in Him. Only rest for your weary souls as you save souls! 

By Joe Pinto



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