Opportunity to Sow Seeds


“God, thank you, because everything you wrote in the Old and New Testament is for rebuke, for edifying, and for building us up in faith, O God. Thank you, Lord, because we will not be ignorant of the enemy’s devices. We will not take for granted your Word, your warnings, or your salvation. We will wake up with a  right spirit, Father. We will give ears to the Word of God, and we will follow it. We will not be only hearers of Your Word but doers. We can read the Word of God every day, but if we don’t listen to the warnings, we will always walk defeated. You have given us power to be able to be overcomers of this evil and dark world.” 

Overcoming is not easy, but it is made even harder when we give ourselves to our own desires and lust. What are you giving yourself to? Your own devices, your own heart, your own way, or are you giving yourself to the Word of God? Are you eating His Word? There are always two sides to the story. Which side are you going to be on? The side where Truth reigns or where lies reign? Sometimes we think that just because God is love, God loves everything we do. And we justify ourselves: “Well, we are just human.” But no, we need to hear the Word of God and tremble so we can be counted worthy, of Him, of one another, worthy of the cross, and worthy to be called sons and daughters of God. 

“In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:1-3

This message is called Religious Conspiracy. I wonder how many times Jesus saw so many things that were not right, but He never made an issue of it before it was time. Jesus is not like this or that way. No. Jesus is just like the Word we have. And we began to take His grace and His goodness in vain. The devil comes in because we think God has changed when He has not. The Bible says He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He never changes. God wants to change us, but the devil wants to change us, too. We all have been changed, but who is changing you? God or the devil? Are you being changed into His image or into the image of the beast? Are you becoming like Christ or anti-Christ? If you coming against the word, and the word is God, and Jesus was the word made flesh, you’re being anti-Christ.

How do we fall into a religious conspiracy? Being open for any opportunity for pride to come in. Let’s not be ignorant. Even in a mocking gesture, we can see Leviathan moving in. Some people don’t say a word, but you know what their hearts are saying. Some people say things in a joking way, but when you have the Spirit of God, you already know what is going on. That is why I believe Jesus was like, “I can’t wait to die, because if I don’t, these people will never change.” So, He died, resurrected, and now He is here. So now we can be changed! I also believe when we die to ourselves, it helps others to change, too.

Sometimes, we keep doing things that we are not supposed to be doing, thinking on things that we are not supposed to be thinking, asking questions that we have never asked before, and we start swimming in the swamp of leviathan. Because the devil starts planting his corrupted seeds in us, just as he did in the garden. Some people don’t even know there is something wrong with them, but spiritual people do. Judas thought all was fine; he kissed Jesus, and he even asked Jesus if he was the betrayer. 

“Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said” (Matthew 26:25). He was already blinded by his own deception, by the seeds of accusation, assumption, and suspicions. He was stirring indignation in the swamp of the devil. 

Let’s go back to the story and read Matthew 26:1-16. I would like to talk about a very dangerous poison called indignation! We see clearly in this story how Judas was trying to spread it among the disciples. But even though Jesus knew even before the betrayal happened, He did not try to stop Judas. Sometimes, we try to stop the devil, but the only person who can stop the devil is the one who has been overtaken by him. Judas thought it was just another day at supper. When we get so familiar (in a passive way) with the Word of God, with the Spirit of God, then we don’t increase in discernment when we take it for granted. Let’s never get familiar with the Word of God. We must fear it, revere it, and obey it! Just with one another, familiarity can be dangerous.

The religious spirit is always hanging around taking notes, trying to find fault or something wrong, trying to figure things out, trying to figure out Jesus’ ministry, trying to understand this and that when they can’t because they are all carnal. But, in the end, they just want to accuse Jesus of something! They are always consulting one another - like they consulted Cephas - with corrupted hearts to see if they can work together. Judas starts questioning Jesus why He was doing this and that. He was trying to diverge people to his own carnality. Religious people will conspire with religious spirits. Judas went to conspire with the religious leaders. What can you give me, Judas asked. Jesus did not care about the money; otherwise, He would never have given the bag of money to a thief to take care of. Jesus is and always will be concerned with our hearts, our intentions, motives, and agendas. 

Indignation…That’s what Judas was filled with when he tried to stir indignation among the disciples! The enemy wants you to think about what he is thinking about. He even makes you question things that you have never asked before. “Is that true?” The enemy will cause you to ask your own self, and suddenly, you start doubting the things that before you were 100% sure about. Judas was filled with indignation, and he started asking Jesus questions. 

The religious people were always trying to find someone to join their religious conspiracy. Let’s read Matthew 26:1-16. They assembled together the chief priests, scribes, and elders so that they might take Jesus and kill him. In this same passage, we see the woman having an alabaster box focusing on everything that God was focusing on. It was a waste (verse 8), Judas thought. The indignation of Judas made him conspire against Jesus. Judas thought Jesus was treating him unfairly! We know God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11).

Here are some things that get you to start moving in indignation: Indignation is evoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment, resentment, jealousy, misunderstanding, disgruntlement, anger, distress, unhappiness, discontentment, dissatisfaction, displeasure, hurt, pain, upset, offense, self-righteousness, exasperation, vexation, irritation, annoyance, frustration, and aggravation. These are the things the devil uses to stir indignation! Religious people get annoyed with people who walk in freedom. Jesus annoyed them because He was freedom in person! He was an example of a man with nothing of the devil in Him (John 14:30). A blind person sees the devil in everything, but they don’t see it in themselves. This is religious conspiracy! 

Now let’s see who really started the indignation! Let’s read John 12:1-8. There is usually one person who starts with that and gets people to pay attention to the things they are not even paying attention to. This passage shows it was Judas! We have never seen Jesus constantly warning Judas because He already knew about his betrayal before it happened. But God let Jesus see inside his heart and saw satan in there. “Then Satan entered Judas Iscariot, who was one of the Twelve” (Luke 22:3).  “Why can’t this oil be sold and given to the poor?” Judas, filled with indignation, asked! Not because he cared about the poor but about himself. God will love you the same if you betray Him or not. We, as brothers and sisters, should love the same way. 

After feeling indignation, here comes the next phase: conspiring. The dictionary says it means to make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act, to plot, hatch a plot, form a conspiracy, scheme, to lay out plans, intrigue, collude, connive, collaborate, maneuver, work hand in glove, to be an accessory, be in cahoots, cabal. Judas got the disciples to think about the reason to be indignant, but they did not take the bait, so Judas had to find somebody else. We must kill indignation, or one day we can cross the line. But because the disciples did not cross the line, Judas had to find somebody else. Some people may not directly do the plot, but they become an accessory to the plot! You did not stick the knife in the back of the person, but also you did not stop somebody else from doing it. You did not report it. You went along with it. Then, according to Jesus, we are as guilty of it, just as if we had accomplished the act in the world. We are to be lovers even of our enemies. So even if you are not holding the knife, but if you help and feel happy about the result, you are still guilty.

The word says in Matthew 5:28, that even if you look at a woman with lust, you already committed adultery. Also, in James 4:17, “Anyone who knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, is sinning.” So, if you don’t cast down or rebuke or get in a conversation about it without confronting it, you are sinning. You should be running from this type of plot. What is the plan of this plot? To kill, to steal, and to destroy! The enemy is the only one who is doing all of that, but he needs to fill somebody with indignation first so he can get them to fulfill his plans and collaborate with his plans. Even if you don’t hold the knife or hand the knife to the person, you may be the one who tells the other where to buy it. That is basically an evil heart unto God. You are as guilty as Judas was and as the religious leaders that were in cahoots with Judas. When people come to tempt you to be part of their religious conspiracy, don’t eat from their spoiled fruits. “All your strongholds are fig trees with ripened figs; if they are shaken, they fall into the mouth of the eater” (Nahum 3:11). Don’t be the eater! 

This is why Korah and Absalom formed a rebellion, not even just against Moses but indirectly against God Himself, against His Body. It reminds me of Nahum 1:9: “What do you conspire against the Lord? He will make an utter end of it. Affliction will not rise up a second time.” And, “From you comes froth one who plots evil against the Lord, a wicker counselor” (Nahum 1:11). Both ?formed a rebellion against God! If we do that to one another, we are coming against God Himself! It does not matter what person we are coming against, if it was David, Jesus, Paul, Moses, or whosoever God has given the mantle, position, or the vision, we are doing it to God, coming against God… indirectly! But the enemy makes you think, “Oh, it is just against that person!” No. Jesus is the head of the Body; we are the members. It will affect us all! That is why 2 Corinthians 5:16 tells us to know no man after the flesh! We are not just ordinary people. We are all royal people in the Kingdom of God! 

When we start to collaborate with the enemy, we start acting together and joining forces. We have become his ally. We cooperate with darkness. We join forces with evil. Judas conspired with many religious rulers. He was trying to stir division among the disciples. God calls it abomination (Proverbs 6:16-19)!  ? 

This is all from the spirit of rebellion. Korah led a revolt against Moses; he died, along with all his co-conspirators, when God caused "the earth to open her mouth and swallow him and all that appertained to them" (Numbers 16:31–33). Numbers 16:1–40 indicates that Korah rebelled against Moses along with Dathan and Abiram, and 250 co-conspirators. All of the 250 were punished for their rebellion when they offered incense to God in fire pans, and the heavenly fire from the incense pans consumed all of them. Look what happened to Absalom: “Then he took three daggers and plunged them into Absalom's heart as he dangled, still alive, in the great tree. Ten of Joab's young armor bearers then surrounded Absalom and killed him. Then Joab blew the ram's horn, and his men returned from chasing the army of Israel” (2 Samuel 18:1-22). Look at what happened to Judas: Judas hung himself (Matthew 27:3-10)! This is what happens when we start acting with an evil heart, without the fear of the Lord. Now we have the Word of the Lord to keep us on our toes, to keep us aware of the enemy’s devices. Eventually, we will say things out of the abundance of the heart, pure or impure heart! Even your own prayers can consume you if your prayers are coming from an evil, corrupted heart! People do all of their religious duty, but even giving an offering, we need to have the fear of the Lord! Reconcile with your brother first, and then bring your offering in and give it to God (Matthew 5:24). 

Why do we think these stories are in the Bible? To warn us of what the devil wants to do through us and to show us if we are capable of letting things in our hearts! All of these people were making an example for us to remember. People worry about imperfections of each other when God is very much concerned about sinning against His Body! God is concerned about brother against brother! It is an abomination to come against the Body of Christ and to spread indignation and discord. “Oh, I am just having a bad day…” It does not work like that in the kingdom! 

How long was Jesus talking about the religious spirit? All the time! How long was Jesus bringing up spirits on Pharisees and Sadducees? All the time. But there was a specific time that Jesus said to Judas, “Therefore Jesus says to him, "What you do, do quickly” (John 13:27) For years Judas had tried being contagious to the others. When He could NOT get the other disciples to collaborate with him, he went to those he knew were not for Jesus! That’s when you start playing with leviathan. He was playing with snakes, forgetting that snakes bite and are venomous. Jesus called them a brood of vipers (Matthew 12:34-37)! They decided to find some reason to kill Jesus. It was a silent conspiracy. They did not say those words out loud. The multitude did not hear them saying that until it became an abundance in their hearts. This is religious activity. The disciples did not hear that. But that was exactly what they were set to do! We don’t even have to say it out loud, an idle word. We can show the abundance of the heart with our gestures, with the rolling of the eyes, with the whispers, or even with our own silence. Unspoken words can be heard when we can discern the hearts of man.  

Why are you looking for wisdom and consultation with the dead? “And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? (Luke 24:5-6). Don’t listen to a wicked counselor (Nahum 1:11). Judas went to consult with the wicked counselor. Don’t make the same mistake. Why are we looking for them to help you get something done? Your plot will end up killing you, your fellowship with the Body, your destiny, and your calling!  We should never consult with the dead or witches or religious spirits. Jesus is saying, “I can explain everything to you. To understand my steps, you need to be born again. It just happens when you are born again. You are the children of pride. I will humble you!”

Let’s read Jude 5-19. How can you who know this, such great Truth, even fall into those lies? Those people from Sodoma and Gomorra were set as another example for us! How can we see love in God when he burned down a whole city and killed thousands of people? You must have eyes of the Spirit! I never see God as a destroyer, but I see it as a lover. Religious people see God as a destroyer but never see themselves as a destroyer! They keep being led by the spirit of murder all the time. We are being killed all day long, but we are not killing anybody in our hearts. No man will be justified as being ignorant, but we are no longer ignorant! We already have that knowledge of good and evil, but the Holy Spirit came inside of us to bring the knowledge of Christ! That is what makes a difference! 

Stop thinking about the reason why you should conspire against your brother. Or you will be tormented like Judas was. Your thoughts are being read. Nobody had to talk to Jesus about Judas. He already knew it. The more you think about unclean things, the greater the probability of doing it is. “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities” (verse 8). Speaking evil of dignities, speaking evil of your brother, and your sister. We are all dignities in the eyes of God. It does not matter what your office is in the Body or your gift is in the Body. We are all a royal priesthood in the Kingdom of God. Carnal people are always saying bad things about spiritual things and spiritual people! “But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves” (verse 10). Some people have gone in the way of Cain (verse 11). What is the way of Cain? The religious way, the spirit of murder! He killed his brother because of jealousy! Those who walk this way will perish in the gainsaying of Core. Right here in the New Testament, they are again talking about Core because this spirit is still at work among us! Carnality of the mind and the heart will cause you to walk by the desires of the flesh! Clouds without water…People without the Holy Spirit in them, speaking out of their own imagination. But their fruits withered, waging waves of the seed, foaming their own shame! They are always thinking and moving by what they see in the natural, fleshly, carnally, and emotionally. They end up separating themselves from those who are spiritual. I am spiritual because God is Spirit, and I am one with Him!  

To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ's gospel, and a door was opened unto me of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 2:10-12

Some of you are very ignorant of his devices because you have not given heed to the warnings of the Lord. You should know when the devil is in your midst! You must stop eating from the knowledge of good and evil. Self-righteous people are always eating from that tree. Your own morality becomes above even the Word of God. 

To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile” (Romans 2:7-9). People obey unrighteousness because of that indignation and wrath. Tribulation and anguish will be upon them! You are so filled with indignation, but because of that, you will have to face God’s indignation. “Who can stand before His indignation?” (Nahum 1:6). Remember, vengeance belongs to the Lord (Psalms 94:1) and not to you. Get your heart right! Don’t do satan’s dirty work! There are so many among us that are contentious and don’t obey the Truth! We cannot move on our annoyances and emotions or feelings! You are bound to go through tribulations if you do evil! At times, you annoy me, and I annoy you, but which one of us will stand clean in the eyes of God? So, repent, believe in the Word, and follow it! Do you still need to know why you go through torment?

This is what the religious spirit fills you with: indignation: “There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed everyone. 

Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) and were filled with indignation, And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison” (Acts 5:16-18). Now, the disciples were doing all of these good works, but they were not enough! The religious sects were still looking for something wrong with them! They are always focusing on the wrong thing! Religious people are always going to be blind to any goodness in you! 

“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:9-11

If you don’t stop drinking from the cup of the devil’s indignation, you will have to drink from the cup of God’s indignation at the end of your day, or your life! This is not what our Father has for you, for His people, and His bride! The wrath of God is not meant to be for you but for the sons of disobedience! For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). So, get out of any type of conspiracy you have been a part of today! Everything starts in your heart, then goes to your mind, and then is done by your own hands. 

Because at the end of the day, it all comes down to betrayal, betraying God, our vows, our love, and one another; then we become unholy, unbridled, and disloyal, and we start being led with the spirit of murder, and that is the main purpose of the religious conspiracy.

‘Father, we pray that we will not conspire with the religious spirit, with our own selves, or with our own desire. We will only conspire with the Holy Spirit and the bread of life. You are the Word that became flesh. Now we need to make it become flesh in us. We will continuously drink your blood and follow the Lamb. We shall bear fruit, and our fruit will remain. We will not be tossed to and fro. We will be rooted and grounded in love, in revelation, and in Christ. We have the mind of Christ, and we shall know all satan’s devices. We shall not follow! Whosoever is hungry and thirsty shall be satisfied. We give you our eyes and ears. Father do not let our hearts be taken captive by the devil, by our own devices, feelings, and eyes. Give me your own eyes, ears, and life! Because when I have your life, I have resurrection power working in me. It is the power of God that will deliver me from the temptation of the old man. I shall not conspire against you and against you in my brothers and sisters. I break right now every commitment and allegiance I have made in my heart with any plot of conspiracy, today and forever! Amen.”

Shane W Roessiger

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