Do you choose to die? Or to be offended?

Do you choose The Fire? Or do you choose a Leviathan pit?

See, sometimes it’s one or the other because some choose not to die. They automatically have chosen offense. They automatically have chosen pride, leviathan! The Fire wants to refine them, but they resist; now, they have indirectly chosen rebellion! Rebellion starts when we resist The Fire! Then that flesh that The Fire wanted to refine starts to be exalted and takeover the person that did not want to be separated from it in The Fire. See, you are already in agreement with your flesh when you resist The Fire. Then, when you resist the separation, it’s like having a wedding ceremony with your flesh and making what was together already sealed by a vow of refusal to be separated from it. Don’t let your flesh be sealed like a man and a woman seal their marriage at an altar! 

Then oppression of your flesh becomes possession of your heart when you refuse The Fire. Like satan filled Judas when Judas was exposed. The Fire is either where you separate from your flesh or you seal your agreement with your flesh. The Fire will make the hidden things come to the surface and call you to either make what’s been revealed, what’s been exposed, separate, or choose to be made one with it like Judas was made one with satan when Judas chose to receive the sop! Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had Nebuchadnezzar waiting for them at the door of the furnace to see if, when they faced the fire, they would cave in and just bow down to Nebuchadnezzar and make a vow to the king! The devil is always waiting at the doorway of the fire. The fire is like a line in the sand. Choose Christ or choose Belial! Those three had to choose. Choose God or choose Nebuchadnezzar. Choose God or choose satan. Choose God or choose yourself! See, when you choose yourself, you’re telling your flesh, like Esau, who made that agreement for a morsel of meat: all that’s yours is mine; all that is mine is yours. 

Now, that one piece of flesh that you didn’t want to die to becomes a stronghold, and it becomes the thing that you squander your inheritance to, like Esau. Now your flesh takes over and robs you because it has been given legal right through marriage to have all that is yours in Christ, to throw it to the pig pen like the prodigal son and let the swine trample underfoot, that your pearls would be thrown to the swine! Don’t let your flesh carry your inheritance like Judas carried the money bag! The Fire is where you either become one with your flesh or where death does you part, and you cast out the bondwoman and her son! The Fire is your chance to escape any kind of covenant with your flesh! Talk about making a covenant with the devil! Well, making a covenant with your flesh is making a covenant with the devil because the company of your flesh is a table of devils! Your flesh is a table of devils, and when you make a covenant with it, you invite in all its friends. 

Do you not know that your flesh is your worst enemy? It’s NOT The Devil! We give him too much credit. Our flesh is opening the door! Your flesh is going to be your Judas that turns you into the devil for destruction! We all have a judas with us! For some of us, that is an actual person, but for all of us, it’s our flesh! Your flesh will turn you in in the last days. Oh, you thought you couldn’t trust certain people? But you are actually trusting in Judas when you trust in yourself, when you trust in your flesh! Where in the Bible does it ever say that we should trust ourselves? That’s the problem with most people - their false confidence comes from trusting in themselves, but little do they know that the one they are trusting in is the one that is going to turn them in! Come on! You think you’re going to know who to trust in the last days, but you still trust in yourself? Of course, no one wants to think that they would trust in themselves, but in reality, if we examine ourselves through the eyes of God, we can see that we all have parts of our lives where we do trust in ourselves, and we can actually see a connection to failure in those parts of our lives.

We can never blame anything on God because He never fails us! So who are we going to blame now, the devil? The cross took care of him! Now, you have overcome the evil one because Jesus put him under our feet. Will we blame someone else as if someone has that much power to steal what God has for us? Is man more powerful than God? Who is to blame here? We need to take accountably and see where we have given the dogs that are under our feet our lunches. Where we have let man steal our peace because of unforgivness and because of offense. We need to be willing to look at ourselves, always knowing we have the power. Knowing we have the Kingdom. Knowing we have joy, peace, and righteousness in the Holy Ghost. And when we look for it, we don’t wonder who stole it; we need to wonder where we gave it up! And know that the Holy Spirit is a Spirit of Restoration, knowing that as long as we live and breathe, there is redemption in the blood!

Pride will tell you: it’s too far gone; I messed up enough. That’s that judas spirit, the spirit of your flesh, trying to convince you to stay in your pit of rebellion. Did Judas repent? Or was it worldly sorrow? Did Saul try to repent, or was it worldly sorrow? Did Ahab repent, or was it worldly sorrow? The Bible says worldly sorrow leads to death! And what was all their end: death! Because Godly sorrow works salvation (2 Corinthians 7:10)! What happened to two of those men? They killed themselves. Judas, your flesh will cause you to see your ways and refuse to change but rather choose death. For some, that looks like giving into their ways even more and seeing the enemy’s destruction in their lives. When all that they need to do is repent, see their ways are wrong, and be ready to change no matter the costs, trusting that the Lord will restore them in every way. Don’t let that lying spirit tell you now that if you repent, you will be less than! That’s your pride speaking! No, now that you have repented, you will be more than! 

God will restore your dignity, just as He restored David! He will restore your anointing, and even greater, because now what the enemy has meant for evil, God can use as an even greater testimony! What if Judas really repented and was restored? Imagine the testimony! “I was the one who killed Jesus, but now I’m here to bring you to Jesus.” That can be you! Paul was killing Jesus because when he was killing Christians, Jesus didn’t say why do you persecute them? He said, “Why do you persecute Me?” The same spirit that was in Paul killing Christians is the same spirit that would have killed Jesus if Paul could have gotten his hands on Him when Jesus was in the natural! 

Now that spirit that was in Paul, that was in Judas, that was in the Pharisees and the Sadducees, is waiting for you at the cross, at the doorway of the fiery furnace, ready to get married to you if you so decide not to pick it up or endure The Fire! And if you make a covenant with it, that spirit of Judas is the same spirit that killed Jesus, and it’s the same spirit that wants to kill Jesus in you!

By Joe Pinto

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