Thank you, Holy Spirit. Father, we thank you. We’re here to please you. God is so pleased with us. Why do we know that God is so pleased with us? Because the enemy is very displeased. This is my reward that the enemy is so displeased. Father, we thank You for teaching us all of Your ways, and in You, we find our rest. In You, we do not have to have performance; we don’t have to pretend; we can be ourselves. We can see things that others do not see. We can know things that others do not know, and we can know all things because you know all things. Father, we thank you for everything. We thank you that we are fulfilling the great commission that you said in Mark, chapter 16, verses 15-20:  to go into all the world and to preach the Gospel. The Gospel! And we thank you, Father God, that even when we’re in this house, we do your great commission to raise up the Body of Christ into the full stature of Christ. Nothing else beyond that recognition, beyond that scope, are we responsible for. We’re not responsible for anything other than being obedient to Your will, to Your way, and to Your kingdom, and that’s all we have to be responsible for. There are so many other things that come in your spiritual realm, and this is why the enemy tried to take our joy, take our happiness, and take us away from our fulfilling in our hearts in doing Your will. See, only the children who don’t think on bigger things than fulfilling God’s will can’t be moved, and God tells us to be like children to enter into the kingdom of God.

Have you ever noticed that people try to avoid the real spiritual realm of God? People get excited about going to the religious system, but they avoid, at all costs, meeting with the remnant. This is a spiritual thing. We remember when we started H.O.T. House of Truth, and a lot of people came to the meetings in the beginning, but God has shown us that that would happen because people want to come for different reasons, not understanding what God wants to do because they are so brainwashed by tradition and religion. They don’t want to change the way they do things. They just wanted an opportunity to start somewhere fresh because they screwed up a lot of opportunities elsewhere, but they don’t want to change the way they think, the way they do things, and the way God wants to do things. Thinking that they are going to be able to change the vision and other things or be able to come in with their own teaching or the way they want to do things. They try to creep in with hidden agendas, but we know. We see them, and the devil gets so exposed. 

Here is a good example. We did our outreach, and the Holy Spirit had done all He wanted to do: there was a powerful preaching, souls being saved, ministering time with healing and casting out of demons. Then, towards the end, this man wanted to share his testimony, saying, “I want to share my testimony because that will help people believe in Jesus.” The meeting was finished, and the Holy Spirit had finished with His work, but then here comes a man, outside of the Spirit, trying to help the Spirit to finish His work. 

Someone said, “Tell that man, ‘The Holy Spirit is done here and has done all He wanted to do.’” What is the problem? Why did we not allow that man to give his testimony? Is that a big deal? Even though that man said he was a pastor, his testimony was not just to give glory to God but to do more than God was doing. That is a religious spirit. There was not one dry eye in the building. I saw every hand was raised. That testimony was about the man and not about the Holy Spirit. A carnal mind would say, “That is control,” but satan will use and do anything to quench the real Holy Spirit and the fire of God. When it comes to a spiritual thing, if we please man, even if it’s something good, it will diminish the anointing. We must be very precise because we know people carry spirits and other ways and other doctrines. So, this man thought he could do better than what had been done already. That right there is undermining and saying that the Holy Spirit didn't do a good enough job. He didn't do a good enough job because this man thought people did not receive the message. That is what a religious spirit does: It tries in the flesh to produce something that can only be done by the Holy Spirit. But all we saw was the Word and the power being manifested, and all of them experienced it!  

This man wanted to come with the word of his testimony, not Just what God did in this meeting but his own from history, but people who came to this outreach had all experienced the power of the testimony of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That man did not carry a “now” testimony. He wanted to preach again after the preaching to add to what God had done. But if it is from man, all that will do is to move the hearts to another place. We need to watch the gates. We could not disrespect the work of the Spirit by bringing a man to finish His work, by allowing him to give his testimony, considering that the Holy Spirit had done an amazing work. We all saw the fruit. Demons were manifesting, and people were delivered. I honestly did not see one head that was not bowed, and almost every hand was raised, accepting Jesus Christ. So, I don't know what that man was seeing and why he felt the need to do a better job. So, I think it was more about this guy and not about God. That is the exact definition of religion. So why not make that one guy feel better and make him feel important by opening the floor for him? Because if we had done that, we would have done something outside the agenda of the Holy Spirit, but there was nothing else to do. 

We can’t give an opportunity if it's not coming from God, but in this guy's mind, because he's so bound with religion, steps, formulas, and rituals, he was trying to take an opportunity to do more. There's nothing we could do more for the people who came than what we did: we gave the full Gospel. There was deliverance; there was salvation; we talked about Jesus’s heart. There was repentance. Many who were dead came to life! We told them, “Jesus can heal you. He can deliver you!” That was the topic that Jesus wanted us to talk about. So, anything else would have been just to please this man, but we already pleased God, and as Peter said in Acts 5:29, I'd rather please God than man. If the Holy Spirit is not with it, then it is called dead works. That is what is happening in so many religious institutions. 

This is why a lot of churches get a lot of people. They get to talk about what they want to talk about. It's already hard just to be willing to do what the Holy Spirit wants to do only. There are a lot of breaths but no wind of the Holy Spirit. That is what the Bible in Ephesians 4:14 calls “winds of doctrines.” They are always coming from all kinds of directions. The Holy Spirit sees hearts and opportunities. The Holy Spirit is always taking an opportunity, seeking an opportunity, and seizing this opportunity quickly. It's like He doesn't linger around and bow down to men. We need to be sensitive to the move of the Spirit, and when God is anointing certain churches and vessels, we need to get in right then…

He doesn't wait around and beg people to respond to Him. This man obviously could not see what God did, and we were like, “What is he talking about? Why do we need to do anything else if the Holy Spirit already did it all?” There was something wrong with the whole thing. Was it that the devil was trying to distract us about where we were supposed to go, or did man just want to feel important or part of something? It may be his pride so that man could say, “Look what I did,” but what we want is to keep on their heart the last word that God was saying and not man! 

A lot of people in religion would say, “Oh, that's good that he wants to give his testimony.” But we can't bow down to every man's good intention. We need to see their agenda. Remember Lazarus (John 11:1-44)? They all thought it was not good. They thought He [Jesus] missed the Holy Spirit. They thought if He had been there a few days earlier, things would have been different because their minds were still at one level (Jesus had to break their mindsets). But Jesus was always on time, always in the Spirit. He never left anything undone. He did all that He saw the Father doing (John 5:19). That guy’s heart might have been 100% right or 100% pure, but even if that's the case, the Holy Spirit was doing something else. On that same night of the outreach, somebody had a dream. During ministering time, there was one person leading, and this other person was getting mad and said, “Don’t forget, there are other people that have something to share as well.” Then somebody answered him and said, “Don’t worry. The Holy Spirit never forgets a thing.” But in the dream, this person did not see the Body moving in harmony. Some were prophesying. Some were praying. Some were healing. But that person in the dream was just like that man during the outreach: he was blinded to what the Holy Spirit was doing. Carnal man is always trying to help the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit does not need our help. He needs our obedience. What I mean is He does not need our opinions of man and works of the flesh, just our obedience and ears. 

When we do ministry, we don't line up the whole town and give everybody a chance to do their own thing. We always have to be led by the Spirit in ministering. Only then the anointing flows down. This is how we quench the Spirit: when we start wanting to make everybody feel good about being used by God when God is doing something else. When we start allowing humanism and emotions to get the best of us, we can miss His visitation; and when allow the blind to dictate what tradition, we can miss His visitation. So many did that when He was walking the earth.This is not the way God is doing things, and that's why demons and spirits come in and try to influence the environment, bringing distraction and diversion. That always happens. But  we're not looking for the crowd. We are always looking for the moving of the Holy Spirit. So, we've been so brainwashed by religion that the devil can make us feel we're doing something wrong or we are failing, but all those other things are God's business. 

God is very pleased, very happy with us. It is the devil that makes us want to focus on religious things. As we focus on the Spirit, God is teaching us how to take over the enemy by precision as we are sensitive to the Spirit, like a Holy Spirit task force, a special unit and assignment with the plans from the headquarters, and that is heaven and the throne of God! If the Spirit is moving and somebody has something, then we would know in our hearts, and the Holy Spirit would bear witness. We're not giving a platform to the flesh just because we love people.Because we love people, we are tempted to give everyone an opportunity. When we give opportunity in the flesh, the Spirit gets quenched because we're still thinking like men, but God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). So many people thought Jesus was so disrespectful and that He did not care about hurting people’s feelings. But He came into the temple (John 2:15-17), He came into the Church with a whip and chased out the money changers. What was He doing? He was chasing out everybody who had the wrong intentions in the house of God. There are so many things that Jesus did in that afternoon. First, He chased out the spirits, then the people. One thing that was going on in the temple was religiosity becoming very convenient. It was so bad at that time that the people would not even bring the sacrifice. They would buy it at the temple. They would sell things in the temple for sacrifice, but Jesus wasn't wanting people just to come to the temple. He wanted them to come to the temple with the right heart, with the focus on what does God want to do in the temple on that day, not just doing a checklist or doing what man wants to do in the temple. He wanted the temple to be a house of prayer, not a ridicule, not a store or market. We are doing the same today. How many ministries are selling shirts, hats, oils, and even books? Even worse: charging people for worship services, charging for counseling, and charging for deliverance. When everything is supposed to be done from the heart, not for filthy lucre. Even worse today is coming to church with business and ministry cards, with an agenda of selfish motives.

How convenient. Do you know about how the sacrifice started? They would have to catch the dove, and considering how far away they were from the temple, that offering would take time and effort to get there, so it was a major sacrifice. That was why it was called a sacrifice. There was no sacrifice involved any more other than a small amount of time and money. 

It takes effort and takes the right heart. Jesus wasn't upset that the temple was full of people. Today that would be good, a packed house. Jesus was not concerned with numbers but with intentions. He was upset because all the people had their own intentions, and convenience was the thing. Religiosity is just convenience. No sacrifice involved. Show up with the offering, or don't bring the offering, or bring nothing, or just go to the church because it was a social spot. They worship Him with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him (Matthew 15:8). The zeal for the house of God now has shifted to living sacrifices, to us having our personal temple. No one can blame anyone else anymore. 

The biggest idolatry in religion is our own agenda. We want to do things our way. We have a better way, right? People come and visit H.O.T. House of Truth and say, “Why don't you do it this way or that way?” If God is telling you to do something different from what you're seeing here, go ahead, get a piece of land, go rent a building, or rent a house, and do it your way. Because the house of God is not your house. Jesus said, “This is My Father's house. You're not going to turn it into a house of spirits.”When he was saying a den of thieves, He meant you're doing things in this house your way, but the blueprints for this house are written. My Father's house is a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13), and the thing is, Jesus didn't only chase out the money changers. He chased out the ones that bought the stuff because both of them were wrong. He cleared out everything, and the people running the temple got really mad at Him because they thought, what are you doing? Because all of the people were buying and selling. The people who were making money on religion and making money on these rituals were not going to get the money anymore. Now some people are doing the same with their gifts and anointing. Believe me, the high priest, the Pharisees, and all the religious leaders were getting a cut of everything that was going on inside the Temple. Jesus was shaking things up. That's why Jesus was showing them that “I am starting a new temple, made by the hands of God, not man” (Acts 7:48). So, in the religious system, there were a lot of people working all week, and here comes Jesus chasing them out with a whip. It was very symbolic of cleaning house, chasing out the profit, chasing out the snakes, and chasing out the spirit of greed. That is what real prophets do and still do today! 

When the Holy Spirit shows up, He cleans house physically and spiritually. Either people leave the house with demons or the demons leave the people. Both of them are houses. There is no way to stay in the house that was really built by God and still have demons. Demons will remain in every house that is built by man and not God. In the religious system, there are so many with hidden agendas and man-pleasing, striving people who don't even know the difference. They think God is pleased with them. Just because they are smiling and happy with themselves. You can get a lot of people by convenience. In Jesus’s time, they were attracting people to the temple by convenience, by having no need to bring a real sacrifice, by buying your way in and your way out.  Now Jesus demands His church to buy their own oil (Matthew 25:1-13). But there's only one way. And Jesus says, I am the way (John 14:6). And there's only one door. He is the door (John 10:9). And there's not anything else. And I can see that and understand what the narrow way looks like. Broad is the way of destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). All of these things were going on inside His temple when Jesus was preaching these things: “Broad is the way of destruction, and many find it, but narrow is My way.” And to find the narrow way, you have to have the mind of Christ. Sometimes, the narrow way looks like the wrong way because our minds look into different things. The Gospel sets us free and doesn't always look pretty. People are not always happy when they are convicted, and they don't want to be free when they don’t want to give up. It is very successful when you know the Holy Spirit is there; demons are cast out, and people hear the gospel. If I cast out demons by the finger of God, then you know the kingdom of God is at hand (Luke 11:20). That is all that matters! The Bible also told us, “They shall take up serpents” (Mark 16:15-20). Serpents represent lies. Take up serpents by the Truth. That is an apostolic church to its fullness. The fake church or those caught stuck at “good news” only have opened the door to seducing spirits. These are only evangelist-minded Christians. They start to help the devil to sneak in unaware through compromise and lies and the flesh. This is why we always must have the cross at the focus of every sermon and every meeting.

That's why, in these great revivals where ministries are moving in the power, they don’t care about pleasing man, and they begin to be hated. Paul was hated. They wanted to kill him. He not only turned the tables upside down but the entire region in the spiritual (Acts 17:6). Then they threw him in jail for casting the spirit of divination out of a woman (Acts 16:16). The woman, through this spirit, was making them money. They wanted to kill Jesus because all these people were making them money. In their hearts, they want to see people, but they don't want to change. Like when the city got turned upside down, they made a decree against Paul (Acts 23:14). They thought, We're not going to eat, we're not going to drink, until Paul is thrown in jail. Religious people would all say, “Yeah, Paul is a bad minister,” because they don’t know what the Spirit is doing. They would say, he's not a good minister because the mayor needs to be blessing it. The churches should be blessing it. No. Everybody comes against the Holy Spirit. For many days, they decided they were not going to eat or drink until Paul was dead. Well, I guarantee you all those people broke their fast. That was a religious spirit-led fast, but nobody talks about that kind of fast. Paul was about over 60 years old when he died.  These great men of God finally died. Even though they were wrong about Paul, at least they kept their word: they fasted. They probably died of malnutrition, and Paul is well and alive in heaven. I would love to have seen them when they quit their fast. People would say to those religious folks who fasted against Paul, “Wow, look at these guys, these people that don't understand what's going on.” There might be many fasting for the devil and making strong declarations. Even if they were right, and if Paul was as bad as they accused him, what kind of God would tell them to go murder somebody? What religion murders people for the sake of religion? Every false religion does that, so did the Jews; they all kill by force. Religion is manmade traditions and self-righteous authoritarian hierarchy.

Our God is the only one who says to lay down your life and love your enemy (Matthew 5:44). Nobody wants to do this. That's a dying to the flesh. God is very pleased with us, and He is very happy, and we have to be happy as He is. He is the God that brings the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6). We are the ones who need to keep the gates closed. The spiritual gates have to be blocked by the prophets and the apostles; otherwise, just like the Temple, they'll take over the spirits of religion, spirits of Jezebel, mammon, and spirits of the age. These are same spirit tried to come on the disciples. It is pride. The disciples said, And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us” (Luke 9:49-50), and He said, “And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of” (verses 53-55).

This is why we know that after the preaching of the gospel, something happens. Many people preach the gospel, but nothing happens. Because they preach a dead letter. This is all we need to worry about. Is the Holy Spirit moving? When we go to the prisons, the Holy Spirit moves. This is all that we need to be: moving when He moves. Move out as the Holy Spirit is moving when we preach. Many people preach, but they preach out of religion or out of their own way. It is not just reading the Bible. It is moving and doing and saying exactly what the Holy Spirit is saying, and that is what should be our bread, our excitement! Not the manifestation of religion but the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Not the manifestation of what we want. The religious people are going to point to things that are not a concern of the Holy Spirit. They will say, “Look at numbers, at this, and at that…” Just like during Gideon’s time (Judges 7)… Oh, look, only 300 people are willing to die for this cause, but it was Gideon telling people to go. Gideon told them, “Go, your intentions are wrong. You're lazy… 

How can you bow down to drink when the enemy can come up and shoot everybody?” Everything was done by the flesh.  God was telling them, And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go” (verse 4).  Those people that were drinking the water like dogs were dismissed by Gideon. Gideon was going into battle with all the right people, with only 300 of them. God hand-picked them; out of 3000 people, only 300 in the midst of them were the chosen ones. God knows what He is doing. When God wins the battle with 300 overtaking thousands only God can take the Glory! The problem in religion is man wants the glory, but we're here to give God the glory. People killed Jesus because He said and did only what He heard and saw the Father doing and saying, and that's the Gospel. These people were so hungry and so humble. The only one who wasn't humble was the guy who wanted to go tell everybody about his healing, about him. That's not a testimony if it is to glory or move people’s eyes from the invisible God. 

I want us all to give testimonies, but testimonies have nothing to do with us but what God did to me; what God did for me. Testimony is about what God did!  Testimony goes beyond us, beyond our failures, and beyond our mistakes. That is humility. People during that outreach were very humble. If they were not, most of them would be scared to stay in a prayer line after seeing people who were getting prayed for hissing like snakes. But that is humility! They stayed in the prayer line, not even realizing how that showed to men how desperate they were. If I have a demon inside of me, I want to be free.I don't care what I look like. That shows that God was in control of everything during the meeting. How many of you would stay in a prayer line when you might manifest a demon and may look like a freak? Religion doesn't have any activity that looks like that. They would ask, “Look what's happening in their meeting. It must be the devil. It must be the Kundalini spirit,” this and that… “They cast out demons by the devil” (Luke 11:14-28).No, that's impossible to cast out the devil by the devil unless satan is orchestrating a snake pit, a brood of vipers. Sometimes the devil is running a show and attracting thousands to watch, and the devil keeps attracting hundreds of thousands of people to see that show. These churches have thousands and thousands of people. In the end, the ministers die under the judgment of God. What you have is a minister of the devil doing the ministry of the devil, and the devil working to make it look powerful. Demons manifest but they don't get free but… when you preach the blood, the resurrection, repentance, and preach that God wants your whole life and heart, demons are manifesting because there's a battle going on. When people still stay in the prayer line, seeing others who have been prayed for manifesting demons, that shows that they want to be free, and God is not going to make somebody look like a fool. Only the devil does that. If there is a manifestation of deliverance, it is because God is setting people free. The devil will be the one defeated when the people are free. When they testify by the Spirit, people will see with their own eyes a changed and free person. 

Jesus was coming into a territory, to a town, and the demons would cry out because that person of Jesus, in the Glory, in the Gospel, came to town (Matthew 8:28-29). When the real Jesus comes to town, there are the ones that God wants to set free, and demons know about it. Demons cannot see better than the Spirit of God can. They don’t even know what God is about to do. They asked Jesus, “Have you come to torment us before our time?” But there must've been something that God was doing in those two people because demons were asking, “What’s your purpose? Why have you come here? Are you come to torment us?” Basically, Jesus sent them into the herd of swine, and all the swine drowned, all the pigs were worth money; he messed up that money-making business on that day. That was very prophetic! Jesus cast the demons out, and the person came to their right mind. Just because somebody manifests demons does not mean that every spirit that manifests, we must cast out. But if there are prayer lines, and if they received salvation and prayer, we can see the spirits and can see the difference: they want to be free! Freely we have received, and freely we give (Matthew 10:8)! 

One thing is to see the spirit, but sometimes we need to torment that spirit until it manifests because they are hiding. The presence and the Glory of God agitate demons and the flesh follows; that’s when we see manifestations. They hide because they don't want to be cast out. That's why when I see a spirit, sometimes, I ask somebody to pray for that person because this spirit is trying to hide from me. For example, this lady who was filled with demons: I said to it, “I’m going to count to three. You're not going to hold on any longer. If you do not come out and leave this person, I'm going to arrest you by the authority of God and His authority, and I will send you to that tormenting place before your time.” Demons are afraid to be tormented before their time (Matthew 8:29). It's what I did with that one lady. I told our H.O.T. Family who were ministering, “You can stop praying now. Because it is already done.” We don’t wrestle with the devils. The only time we wrestle with the devil is when we don’t know our authority. When you know your authority, the devil has to do what you are telling them. You can tell a word of knowledge, but there is no formula or pattern. There is the finger of God! 

If the Glory is manifesting, and when you know your authority and demons do not leave, it must have something blocking, some vow done that is connected between that person and satan, and that person will have to break it with their own mouth. And that is the level we want to get to. You will have to know and hear from God if that person has made a “macumba” vow and will have to break it. Once you know that the devil is trying to mess with that person, all you need to do is use God’s strategies given right there on the spot! But God can still do whatever He wants. That is why He gets the title of God! 

Sometimes, during deliverance, I have to be very careful because the devil is trying to make the person under his control to be the center of attention and focus. One day, a possessed woman came to H.O.T. That woman did not come to be delivered but to distract. She first ran into me coming out of the elevator. She was speaking in Portuguese. She put her finger poking my face. She said, “You are the one. It is you!” Then later, she ended up at the front of the church trying to speak in the mic. She wanted to curse us, and she told us that we owed her because of what we were doing in the spiritual realm. So, we are affecting her business and other things! She was a witch.She had a different purpose, and I knew I was not supposed to cast demons out of her because she had an assignment from the devil. We have to understand all things. Jesus knew everything that was going on, but the people we are training did not understand it. So, when I asked, “Take this lady from here, and we will continue to do what God is doing,” some people did not understand why I said that. We need to avoid any type of distraction. When there is true deliverance, people start throwing up, some people do different things; also, I have seen in different nations how demons manifest differently, always different in a nation, but people manifest the same. And vows start to be broken. The Spirit bears witness! At the same time, some people who are possessed go down because they are being set free. They are as light as a feather. Light like a feather. Religious people will ask, “Where is that in the Bible?” Well, there was a boy who fell as dead. Let’s read Mark 9:17-30. Verse 26 says, After shrieking and convulsing him violently, the spirit came out. The boy became like a corpse, so that many said, ‘He is dead.’” This little boy was demon-possessed. Jesus prayed for him, and the demon came out, and he fell like dead. Jesus said he's not dead. He’s just resting, and He took his hand and picked him up, and that shows exactly the thing that religion attacks. A lot of people, when they have demons coming out of them, get healed. Some demons are attached to all different kinds of infirmities. Some people beg God, “O God, heal them,” but sometimes people need to be set free first. God will not come down and heal somebody when they first need to be set free. 

“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.  And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.” Mark 9:23-26

When Jesus saw that the man possessed come running, he rebuked the spirit and spoke to that deaf and dumb spirit (verse 25). “I charged you to come out of him, and return no more, and the spirit cried out and rent his clothes so and came out of him.” In the next sentence, he was as one dead, so the demon manifested. Jesus laid hands and cast him out, and when that happened, he fell like he had died. And then, and as much as he's dead, as many said, Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. How do we know if we pray for somebody and the spirit touches them, and they get delivered, and they go down in the spirit and are in perfect peace? This is what happens when God touches His people. He touches them! It is not about man. When God shows up, demons manifest, but the religious people will demonize when that happens. They will try and say the same thing they said to Jesus: But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils” (Matthew 12:24-27). Or they will say that it is the “Kundalini spirit” when it is actually the works of the Holy Spirit. 

People who need deliverance should be manifesting spirits when the Glory and the Word of God comes. We see that happening all throughout the scriptures. I say this, they speak from the devil so they can try to stop people from being free, using fear of the unknown and using their words of witchcraft to demonize the Holy Spirit. Their folly shall be manifested (2 Timothy 3:9). When we see the fruit, we see the peace. There will always be fake ministers but vipers know not the difference.  Real deliverance brings real peace, and you can take that peace home and walk in that every day. But the only thing is the minute you start talking to somebody, the minute you read the newspaper, the minute you get a text or bad news, the minute you open the door for spirits, you get out of that peace. Can you imagine this young man possessed by a deaf and dumb spirit? At that moment, that whole thing leaves. Can you imagine the peace that soul must have been feeling? What the devil was always doing all of that time was agitating inside that boy. Even when the devil is not manifesting, you cannot be at peace. You're sleeping, you don't have peace, or if you want to know if you know, then you really need deliverance. You're never at peace. If you're never at peace, it does not mean you will live in peace all the time because things in life happen. But if you're always agitated, if you're always angry, if you always have fear, you need deliverance. I don't care if you go to church or not. That spirit in you may manifest and agitate your soul. We need to learn more about deliverance. 

Jesus gave them – His disciples – all authority over unclean spirits. “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease” (Matthew 10:1).  But people came back to tell on them that His disciples could not cast out these spirits. “And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit;  And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not” (Mark 9:17-18).Then Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith. “He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me” (verse 19). Because there are a lot of times we shrink back because we look at ourselves. See, Jesus didn't say, “Have faith in what I told you.” He said to them, “Speak, believe on what you're saying is true, and believe what I said.” They began to believe that they had some special power. But before Jesus died, it was all done in His name. I have to have faith in Jesus to be able to manifest everything that Jesus gave me the authority to do. So, they probably began to get prideful, and demons started making fun of them. “Jesus, your disciples could not cast it out”…(verse 28-29), and the disciples asked Him, “Why? Why couldn't we cast out the spirits?” Then Jesus said, “Some spirits cannot come out but by prayer and fasting.” What does that mean? Gotta fast? Gotta pray? No. You got to be humble because when you're humble, you can hear God. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). When you are humble, you fast…

Because the Spirit is leading you to humiliate your flesh. You can tell prideful people have a hard time fasting with everybody because everything's about them. People who never fast are prideful Christians because they are not willing to sacrifice their flesh for somebody else. That is a great sign right there why people don’t want to fast. At least they should try it.  At least some people are trying to humble themselves. When satan sees humility, he knows it is over. Prayer and fasting mean setting yourself apart, getting alone with God, hearing God, crucifying your flesh, letting no unrighteous stay in your conscience, putting all of your faith in Jesus and His blood, and His power as an intercessor and as an ambassador of His laws, His ways, and His kingdom; then finally, it means being one with His Spirit. 

Jesus was not giving the disciples a formula.  Fasting and praying is about being close to the Father. He was not saying, just pray so you can face these demons, but these demons are so strong that you cannot just do it in His name! You need to be in His name, in His Spirit, in Christ. Jesus was still praying and fasting the whole time, and His disciples were not. They asked, and many still don’t know the answer to this question, “Why do your disciples not pray and fast?” (Matthew 9:14-15). I have just gotten this revelation as I preached this Word. The answer is: Because Jesus was doing it for them. “But when the bridegroom is taken away, then they will fast. Because I will not be here doing for them. I will be gone, but I will be giving to them the same Spirit.” Jesus, while here on Earth, was fasting and praying for them. Jesus was going days without eating, but they could not, and they weren't ready yet to go to that level of spirituality of putting the flesh under submission because they did not have the baptism of the Holy Spirit as of yet. But we do, and then we have full access and power. So, Jesus was not going to put the burden on them because He knew they could not do it. That's what religion does all the time: putting the burden of legalism and tradition on us, but with the Holy Spirit, there's nothing we cannot do! Some are not even spirit-filled. So, they cannot even understand the Kingdom. 

“Father, we thank that you are so pleased with us because if you weren't pleased with us, you would not manifest, you would not deliver, and you would not back your Word because you know all things and all the work in us that you're doing is humbling us that you might manifest in us.”

Some of these demons do not come out but by prayer or fasting. We have to be in a humble position, in a secret place, and your flesh has to be under submission to God. And then we will fast, and we will pray, hearing God. Sometimes there's so much going on. We need to go away to get back in tune with God. But now we are the house of God, and you are the house of prayer. You should be praying at your job, praying without ceasing. All prayer is communion with God. Religion has made the prayer posture a position, but prayer is an act of focusing on... But if you want to call it a position, this position is humility because we forget about talking to God when we think we know everything. We got it all going on, our ways, our formulas, our religiosity. But it is only when we're in need to hear from Him that we humble ourselves. If we live in humility, like Jesus did, demons, deliverance, all those things will happen just like they did with Jesus. Amen! 

God is raising us up to reach His ways and His stature, and we will see all His prophecies about His church being fulfilled, and every personal prophecy concerning His bride will come to pass! Because there is humility in the house, and at our humility, all souls will be delivered from any demon in hell! He is building His Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail. He places the stones. He fits us in. He builds the house and He does it with lively stones. 

“Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:5 

Shane W Roessiger

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