Opportunity to Sow Seeds


“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” Malachi 4:5

This house shall be called a house of prayer. We pray even in our sleep; that means being awake. We are not spectators; we are soldiers; wake up from your sleep! Stop waiting on a man, stop waiting on tradition, wake yourself up! God has a people that are not so consumed by their own self! Many are building things with their own hands, and all will be burnt up! I counsel you to buy gold, refined with fire! He has a remnant; He has a people! But the devil is giving you sleeping pills, and you are taking them. God wants to make you a spectacle! But we have been deceived, but He is the vertical sacrifice and the blueprint, the prototype of how we want to be! Back in the book of Acts, many were called Christians because they were looking like Christ. There is no such thing as a woke church, a false church. There are so many churches that have a name, but they are dead! We must be continuously poor in spirit; those who are poor in spirit are rich! They are the richest people on Earth! God is abundant, but He is spirit first, kingdom first, love first. This takes a lot of fire, a lot of crucifying of our flesh. 

There is a gospel that God is backing, but there is another gospel that is popular, but God won’t back it up! Many are drawn to an itching ears gospel. Jesus was looking for His real family. He was looking for those people who are obeying the will of The Father. Our family is not given by flesh and blood. It is spiritual. 

Accept everything that the cross gives to you, but for that, there is a lot of denying earthly things, denying family, culture, and tradition. Many do not understand the hour we are living in. The time is short! If we have been bought with His blood, if we have been made one with His Spirit, we are His temple. I don’t want Him to find me sleeping. Right now, He is visiting us, cleaning us of ourselves. The biggest idol is self, and that manifests rebellion. Don’t think God is weak! Love is powerful. Love died for those who hated Him. You must be very powerful to do that! No weak man lays down his life for another unless they are possessed with love.

If God sent His messengers, as it says in Malachi 3:1-5, He is surely sending them again today! He is bringing this purifying fire through their mouths to purify His people. “And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of gold and silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness” (verse 3). That blue flame is still among us! That blue flame is the purest and the hottest part of the fire! Before ashes, there is always smoke. When there is smoke, there is always fire. The ashes are the evidence that something is no longer alive! The fire wakes us up! The fire irritates you only when you are not on fire! It irritates that thing inside of you that God wants to burn out of you! When you are one with the fire, you are fire. His Word is fire, and you and the Word are one. 

Jesus was the root of David (Revelation 22:16). Jesus was the foundation of David; it is not Abraham! The spirit of Elijah will burn everything not created by God! Wake up and stop desiring something you will never have from Him, the lustful desires! 

God knows you are naked and prideful, you are pretending that you are this and that, but He sees you through it all. Nothing can be hidden, and when we get even close to the fire, the fig leaves burn off, and you are seen and naked. You are as the church of Sardis mentioned in Revelation chapter 3. You think you are good; you think because you have nice clothes, you are covered, but Jesus says our spiritual condition is seen by the fire, and we are blinded, wretched, and naked. Let’s put on Christ. 

“The day comes and shall burn as an oven…all the proud,” it says in Malachi 4:1. We are not the only church. There is not only one messenger. There is a symbolic number that God put in it that is considered the remnant - seven thousand have not bowed to Baal (Romans 11:4)! We need to know them by the Spirit. We don’t need to know them in person! We need to know who is coming from the Spirit of Elijah and who is not! We need to protect our brothers and sisters; you are called to be your brother’s keeper! You are supposed to watch out for them and them for you! If you do sleep, instead of watching over me, I will sound the alarm in your ear! Jesus said in Luke 12:37, “Will I find you watching and waiting when I need you?” Jesus also said to them in that hour of temptation, can you watch and pray for one hour (Matthew 26:36-46)? This is the last hour. Now I ask you as well. Will they find you watching and waiting when they need you?  Are you your brother’s keeper (Genesis 4:9)? Who is your brother and sister?  “But He answered them, saying, ‘Who is My mother, or My brothers?’ And He looked around in a circle at those who sat about Him, and said, ‘Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother’” (Mark 3:33-35). 

Maybe you are focusing on the wrong family! Jesus was the root of David! The whole lineage after David was Christ Jesus!  He was even before He came in the flesh. He is the root; we need to be connected to Him, the One, not to Abraham, not to the Hebrew roots, but to the root of David, the foundation of the church, not of a created nation, but what was and is and is to come. This is the revelation of the New Testament, where we become one with Jesus, who is the first fruit of the kingdom of God. Now you are priests and kings and the manifestation of love. So, this is why satan wants to steal the Holy seed that sets you free. Religion chokes out the revelation of your true identity. 

If the devil could make Elijah run to the cave and stay in there, the whole nation would have been destroyed, but the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. Now that Spirit stays in us. Now the Spirit of Elijah is sent to the whole Earth to save the whole Earth! The eye of Jesus is like eyes of fire (Revelations 19:12). Today, there is so much technology, but His eyes can pierce us. There is no way to hide anything from Him! Who can stand at His coming, at the glance of His laser eyes of fire! Elijah was called as God’s troublemaker (1 Kings 18:17-24)! Don’t look at their faces. You are just the messenger, Elijah! We are the image, the manifestation of the sons of God! People are being raised up from the belly of God! We will be the image of His burning ones! Do you even know your Bible? Some of you fall into tradition! It is time to rise with healing in your wings. The leaves of your tree - the oak of righteousness - will heal many! “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall” (verse 2). Don’t wait for God to rescue you! You start to tread down the wicked (verse 3). 

The enemies shall be ashes under the soles of your feet. Are you still just smoke or are you fire? When Jesus came, that was salvation, that was the blessed hope, that was Emmanuel, God with us, that was the healer, that was the Word made flesh, that was the redeemer, that was the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the Earth, that was Christ. John represented the spirit of Elijah and prophecy fulfilled. Now we have the great and terrible day of the Lord, what they call the second coming at the seventh trumpet. This is a corporate Elijah body, a remnant, Joel’s army, many Elijahs in the Spirit. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4: 5-6). Many said that the spirit of Elijah is this and that and will do this and that. The Catholics say this promise mentioned in Malachi of the sons going back to the father means the protestants coming back to the Pope. For the carnal church, it means a natural adoption of fatherless children and works of justice. The Jew believes it’s a return to Judaism and to their tribes, back to Abraham, Moses, and the law! But what this verse really means is a turning back to the Father God and to the crying out for Abba Father. It is for us who are born again. It is a return to our first love, and to the spirit of repentance. In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was God, so it is a return to the Word of God, Jesus being the Word that became flesh and God being the Spirit. 

Here are clear signs of the Spirit of Elijah: this spirit confronted Jezebel, he pointed out the spots and wrinkles, and it turned Jezebel over to dogs making her the dogs’ food. He confronted false prophets and tore down idols. Now we see John (Luke 1:13-17), 

in the New Testament, coming in the spirit and power of Elijah! When the sons and daughters of God manifest Christ on Earth, they will be carrying the same spirit and power! John felt alone, and you may feel the same way, too. Elijah felt alone; so, will you! Both men were attacked in their minds. Everything that is written in His Word shall not return void. Everything that is spoken by the same spirit of Elijah won’t hit the ground! Many rejoice when we are born again, just as they rejoiced at John’s birth (verse 14), but once we start preaching by the spirit and power of Elijah, people start hating us. John the Baptist was born from the same Spirit that Jesus had, but he did not even do one miracle (John 10:41). Because of his mindset, “One will come after me, and I would not be able to untie his shoes” (John 1:27), how come, if he had the same Spirit that Jesus had within him, he did NOT do any miracles, even being filled with the Holy Spirit and the power of Elijah from His mother womb? But Elijah did miracles, signs, and wonders! Why didn’t John do any? Because Jesus was on the Earth, (I believe this would cause even more confusion), they were already thinking that He was Elijah returning (Matthew 17:12) and questioning and wondering who Christ was. Remember, some say He was this, some say He was John raised from the dead, but there is only one Christ. Now the Spirit of Elijah is here to multiply the end-time messengers! John had to leave soon after the Baptism and ministry of Christ began.

The Spirit of Elijah is here to make us ready, to prepare us for the coming of the Lord Jesus. Fire will join fire! When nothing can separate us from the fire, then we are one with the Holy Fire! People started hating John the Baptist the same way they hated Jeremiah. 

But you want everyone to love you; that is why, Mr. Pastor, you keep petting demons, and you are deceiving God’s people! You are not filled with the Spirit of Elijah; you want to be popular! But the Spirit of Elijah brings the conviction and the power to be transformed and to repent! John was the greatest prophet, but those who are least in the kingdom are greater than John (Luke 7:28)! That is supposed to be us! Elijah knew their God. Elijah did exploits!  Do you know your God? “God is an all-consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:27 29). God is a fire that cannot be burnt! Fire cannot stop fire! Only those things that don’t belong to the fire are burnt! Burn with Him and for Him! Messengers don’t keep looking at others burning. It is a corporate fire! It is not a religious log! No. It is a constant fire pit! 

What do you do when you want to wake someone up? Shake them. This is what God is doing. He is shaking everything that can be shaken (verses 26,27)! Yell at them, throw water on them (water represents the Word), and awaken the nations. This is the midnight hour! “For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:6-9 

Our mission as an end-time church is not just to get people saved but to make disciples! Jesus said, “Make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18), but for this, we need the refiner’s fire! The end-time church's first ministry is vertical to God, then to people! To have gone out and have not gone in! We are a House of Prayer for all nations, not a house to get prayed for first, but a lively house! We are awake; we must be! The Lord will come on a day that you are not aware of (Matthew 24:50-51)! This is a warning for us to be awake! We cannot be those who slumber and sleep while the bridegroom tarries (Matthew 25:5-6). The Spirit of Elijah carries that cry, and it sounds at the midnight hour, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” When you are one with Him, you don’t have to go out to meet Him because you are one with Him! There is a promise for us in Joel 2:23-32. We cannot forget it! 

There is a valley of decision mentioned in Joel 3:12-14! There is a harvest; the vats overflow, and the press is full! Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision, today! Choose today which God you will serve! God is drawing a line in the sand: If God be your god serve Him; if Baal, serve Baal (Joshua 24:15)! Choose this day whom you shall serve! Choose this day, says the Spirit of Elijah! 

Shane W Roessiger

FULL MESSAGE: https://youtu.be/fYTzf-2vVXA?si=n4v66V_OY-K2fIG8

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