The Bible says bless those who curse you (Luke 6:28). This is not a religious blessing or just a noble thing to do. This is freedom! Just like forgiveness is actually about freeing ourselves more than it is about the person who was wronged. So is blessing those that speak against us, that word-curse us, that do harm, or make us angry and even justifiable anger, but bitterness, unforgiveness, and hate can never be justified in front of God. We may have every right, but to take part in the Kingdom of God, we have to give up our right to be right so that we can be right with Him! I had an experience one time where God showed me this witch was praying, releasing the demonic over my life, and I could feel the warfare. And I was battling the best I knew how and speaking against the enemy, but then the attacks would come back. I would be going around the mountain. Same with another who was not a witch, but sometimes someone’s heart may be at ought with you, and they may not be cursing you with their lips but with their heart! Sending the devil to flight. That's how much power and authority we now have as a child of God! You can be sending angels to flight or even devils. You can be sending blessings or even curses. Thats why he calls us Kings and Priests because of the authority we now have. That’s why God is refining us before He releases us fully into this authority because of the damage someone with authority can cause! See, we need to learn how to love first before we can walk in authority. Though, let’s learn how love actually is authority in the spiritual realm!
The Bible says life and death is in the power of the tongue, and it says 1 sends 1000 to flight and 2, 10,000. And where two or more agree on a thing, it shall be established. The problem is we have Christians coming in agreement with the devil or even negatively with each other and sending demons to flight and causing friendly fire! Not everyone around is always going to have a pure heart towards us all the time. If someone entertains thoughts about you and comes in agreement with thoughts, it can spawn warfare or cause disturbances in the Spirit, putting darkness in motion. See, we need to learn how to fight because our fight is not with flesh and blood. Our fight is with the demons and powers that influence flesh and blood to do what they do to us. Whether willing or unwilling, the devil is the influence behind the curtain. We need to get our eyes off of man and see what the devil is trying to do because what he will do next is come to your ear like he’s your friend and get you to want to curse the one that is cursing you. Meanwhile, he was the influence that caused the person to curse you in the first place! The devil is the one destroying relationships. Pitting brother against brother, sister against sister, it is ungodly division in the body of Christ over offense. If you are going to get mad, get mad at the devil for what he is doing to your brother, to your sister. Don't get mad at the person because that's exactly what the devil is trying to do! That's the point!
Don't miss the point; the devil’s point to all this is to divide the body, but even spoil our heart and make us cold-hearted, disconnecting ourselves unintentionally from the Father because the devil knows that the issues of life are in our hearts. And if he disconnects us from Love, he can disconnect us from God if we come in agreement. The issues of life are issues in our heart that disconnect us from God in Spirit and Truth because He is the Spirit of Life! Then we are under a curse of darkness, a foothold of the enemy, because of offense, unforgiveness, bitterness, and so on because these are issues of the heart. These are drinks from the table of devils, and its poison that brings death to our heart and spiritual life in Christ. See, the devil knows what he’s doing because he knows what can get a person disconnected: a cold, bitter drink of bitterness.
See, Jesus took the curse on the cross, but if we don't get on the cross with Christ, crucified with Him, and die to our bitterness, how will we reap the rewards of the blessing of freedom that Jesus gave to us by becoming the curse? Ultimately, Jesus reversed the curse by becoming the curse for us so we can become blessed. As it is said, cursed is the man that hangs on a tree. So why am I still feeling cursed? Why is the enemy destroying my life and the spirit of heaviness spoiling the vine, spoiling the fruit, the joy, the peace, and the righteousness you had? The countenance of gladness you were walking around with. How do we get it back? How do we fight this and take the benefits that are on the cross? Because it is going to happen, maybe even every day! Someone is going to get on your nerves; someone is going to do you ill. Well, that's when God had to teach us how to warfare in Love and not in might because Love is more powerful than strength. And this is Love, to bless my persecutors, do good to them that hate me, and pray for them which despitefully use me and persecute me. You find this in Matthew 5:44. See, this isn't false love; this is actually warfare. These are secrets to victory in warfare: Love. These are spiritual principles that actually break yokes, loose strongholds, and bind heavy burdens! When the devil is trying to get you to curse, get angry, speak something, or do something, you have a choice! You don't have to give in to your feelings or come in agreement with the devil to then do warfare on your brother or a stranger. Jesus gave us the other choice: Bless, pray, and do good back. This opens up the Kingdom of God back in our hearts and releases the Kingdom in the Spiritual realm, even to your haters or those who do you wrong. And restores back into your heart, peace and joy because it is righteousness! Love fulfills the law and defeats the enemy. Love is the solution for hate. Love is Spiritual Authority over the enemy, not the world’s love but the Love that Jesus displayed, spoke and demonstrated. Laying our lives down for one another because when your enemy sees you loving them, the Bible says it’s like a hot coal of fire on them. “Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:20-21).
When they are hating you and expecting you to hate back because that's what everyone else does, but then you choose to love them instead, then what can they do? You are no longer affected by them, and now it's like a hot coal of fire that reverses the curse of bitterness off of you because the curse that was coming at you is now reversed off of you, and it makes your haters get focused off of you because how can they hate someone who chooses to love them back? And they may start to focus on themselves and their own heart because they see you in peace and themselves still rotten. Or it just gets them angrier, but they have no cause because you let it all go. Someone is angry and jealous of you, but you have no idea that they are because you are free! You are not living in their world, in their torment. You are no longer under someone else's torment because you released yourself by releasing them.
That's really the point of forgiveness. Forgiveness may not change the person you’re forgiving, but it will surely change you. Forgiveness is not necessarily just about releasing the person; it’s about releasing yourself from the person. The bitterness, the anger, and the backbiting keep you reminiscing and connected to darkness. You need to release yourself from hate by releasing Love. Love gets you disconnected from hate and even the condemnation that comes with it. So, God had to teach me that when a witch was cursing me, instead of getting focused on the demons that were coming at me, God had me bless the person who was sending the demons! The warfare stopped, and the curses fell to the ground, all because of Love. Jesus didn't fight as one that beats the air. This is why we have to know His Word because He shows us in scripture how to fight. This Love is not just about being a good guy or gal. This love is about casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself, breaking strongholds and yokes of bondages off of ourselves and off of others. It turns out that in the same year I prayed for the person, that person ended up doing a 180 and started seeking the Lord. See, this is the power of The Love that Jesus preached. It can even get your enemies saved, as well as keeping you in Love and keeping you free. Love is a choice, and when you make that choice, and you pray for your enemies, I believe those prayers have more weight because they are not vain prayers. They are prayers that have meaning, not fictitious false humility that pretends to love its enemies, but they are not free! Free your heart from your enemies, and start praying for them. Watch how God moves. Your faith working through Love will do that much more. Love will strengthen your faith.
You don't have to do a long repetitious prayer for those who wronged you. If someone cuts you off on the highway, you don't have to pray some super-spiritual prayer to look like love. You can just easily pray, “God, I bless him; I bless her.” Whatever you feel led to pray. It doesn't actually matter what you pray, but the peace that comes after it! See, are you praying for the person to get free from the bitterness, or are you praying religiously? Are you praying because you are obeying the letter but still holding the bitterness in your heart with the person? It’s not about what you pray. It’s about why you pray that holds the power. We’re not obeying the letter for the sake of the letter. We’re obeying Jesus’s words because it brings freedom. It breaks yokes. Jesus’s words bring results, fruit. It’s not about doing; it’s about bearing fruit. And when you have the peace of releasing your enemies, that is the fruit. You start to enjoy purity, long-suffering, faith, and so on. In other words, you are back in the Spirit. When you feel these fruits bearing again, then you know you've connected back to the vine! That's how we know we forgave. That's how we know we have reversed the curse, the curse of whatever it is that got us in the flesh. We send it back to hell, back on the devil, and strike him back with his own ammunition.
See, you won't need to forgive the person if you just choose to love them before you even wrestle with any kind of offense. Like Shane preached about For-give; “For”, meaning before you get offended, before someone does something, you’re already ready to let it go, not after you've been tormented with your forgiveness or hate. The enemy wants to get to your heart. That's why he is causing people to do the things they do because he wants to spoil the vine that produces the fruits of peace. He's trying to get you separated from Jesus and make you bear sour grapes, thinking you have fruit, but it’s a counterfeit fruit of bitterness and sourness. We have to be ready to love. The people you should be praying for a lot more are not the ones you love or that love you, but your enemies because they need it more. Your persecutors because they need Jesus. They are persecuting Him, not you. These are our weapons against hate: forgiveness, blessings, doing good, and praying for the person. When someone curses you or speaks evil of you, you prophesy over them. You bless them and speak into their calling, salvation, and restoration. This will make you a curse reverser. This is peace-keeping because it keeps peace in your heart, joy in your heart, and hope for your enemies, that they may be saved or restored. When you start walking in this Love, you don't see your enemies as an enemy any longer. You just see them as lost, in need of a Savior!
By Joe Pinto
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