Marlene Henrique Roessiger · Monday, October 19, 2015
There was a season in my life when all I wanted to know was the truth! A few days ago, I found myself on the floor pleading with God, “Please, don’t show it to me anymore! God, it is so much harder to love when you see the truth.” He said, “Unless you see the truth, you will never be able to love someone deeply. Truth is your way of learning how to love. Truth and love can never walk separately. “
This separation between man & the spirit behind them is a challenge for us all! And I believe that not only me but very few in the Body of Christ deal with the truth that we see righteously. The only one that passed this test was a man called Jesus!
Jesus saw the Truth in Judas and in Peter and He still loved. He washed Judas’ feet, He had communion with Him, He was kissed by him. Jesus treated the Son of Perdition as His own! Even knowing that Peter would deny Jesus, He still gave him, and only to him, the revelation of Himself!
Jesus knew how to separate the person from the spirit behind them. He said: “GET BEHIND ME, SATAN!” He did not say, “Get behind me, Peter!” So many times we kept saying to our brothers, “Get behind me,” when God is really trying to teach us how to love. And concerning Peter He said…” Peter, you are so carnal…” (Matt 16:23)
How about the thousands of Jezebels that are really on their knees repenting before God! Poor ones! Everybody wants to see Jezebel being eaten up by dogs, but in front of this spirit there is a person. But God always, always, gives us a chance to repent! (Rev 2:21). I mediated a lot on the story of Jehu in the Book of 2 Kings 9 and 10. God gave him clear instructions about how He wanted to deal with Jezebel. Then He went and did what He told him and some more! He was killing people like a maniac (2 Kings 9:20-22; 2 Kings 10:12-18), and He got in a big trouble with God. Because His heart was not in the right place! His heart was not pure (2 Kings 10:31). God showed him sin, and Jehu’s heart got contaminated by the truth of it!
I see this happening over and over in my own life. If our hearts get poisoned by the truth that we know, you will no longer be fit as God’s messenger, and we will suddenly become the accuser of the brethren!
Satan is the father of lies, but he will use truth to divide you and your brother just like he tried to do with Jesus and God in the desert! Matt 4:1-11 He used the very word of God to tempt Jesus…It is written, he said… Some many times, I saw truth and I had to run to God to protect my heart, and the times that I did not run, I saw myself more and more distant from my brothers. I was not as in love with them just like I was before.
Satan still uses the truth to tempt you just like he did with Jesus. But the truth that comes from an accuser always will bring accusation, division and judgment = death! When you give heed to anything that comes from him, your heart will get bitter towards your brother and you become distant. Now, when God shows you something, there is always mercy involved. There is always a chance for repentance and reconciliation! Instead of getting poisoned, your heart gets broken for God’s people. There is nothing more annoying for me to hear then people laughing when my husband is exposing the condition of His people! Those who laugh have not seeing anything with the eyes of the Father. They should cry out for mercy! Our hearts should be filled with sorrow, just like it happened to Jesus’ heart when He looked to Peter, to Judas and to me!
Many seers in the Body of Christ have increased in their seer gift, but they have lost the ability to love beyond the spirits! Many deliverance ministries have forgotten there is always a lost soul hiding in the dark! Many prophetic brothers have been daily eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil! The more knowledge of evil they get, the more evil and bitter their hearts get. Truth always sets us free but also truth that comes from the mouth of Satan can kill a brother. It can make us the judge and our fingers will start pointing at everybody’s faces. I understand that separation will come between those who are His and those who call themselves His. But let this not be done because Satan found a place in our hearts!
I am NOT talking about greasy grace or not exposing sin or hiding the Truth. I am talking about having your heart in the right place once you see the truth. I am talking about loving with the same measure that you loved before. I am talking about this love that sees beyond the evil. What if Jesus had only shown me the Truth and not mercy? Oh no. On the cross was where TRUTH and MERCY have met together!
If I speak in tongues of men and of angels, if I have the gift of prophecy, if I understand all mysteries, if I have all knowledge, if I have the truth, but have not love…I have nothing. Truth without love becomes sounding brass. Truth without love turns me into ashes. Truth without love profits me or the Body of Christ nothing! 1 Cor 13
Nobody can handle truth without mercy and still live in peace. And no Truth can be spoken to righteously without mercy!
“Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart,” Proverbs 3:3
As for me and our HOUSE OF TRUTH will be a place where MERCY & TRUTH HAVE MET TOGETHER! And righteousness and peace have kissed! Psalms 85:10
Learning to love by the Truth that I know,
Marlene Roessiger
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