The vision for the H.O.T. House of Truth is very simple
To raise up men and women to become disciples, to pull out gifts that have been buried through religion and control, to break mind sets of the church because we are the church (not made by the hands of men). We will reach out to people through the power of the Holy Spirit and through the powerful love of Jesus. We will lead thousands of souls to salvation. We are His body and must move accordingly. Everybody knows their God will do exploits for Him. We must come together and encourage one another, testify of what the Lord is doing in that particular body, rejoice with all and comfort all, never lording over one another, just loving one another! We will not be an infidel. We will be an infantry, fully loaded: healing the sick, setting the captive free, preaching the gospel, with signs following. We will go into poor countries and build HOUSES OF TRUTH.

The teams we raise up will go and start houses, imparting, anointing and appointing leaders.
Then we will go place to place as the Lord leads, going back and forth to oversee. It is all about His kingdom. We will impart gifts of the Spirit. When we come together, it will be an explosion. We will do all with the Holy Spirit. We will never grieve Holy Spirit. We have made churches so organized and structured that we have left out “I AM”. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The congregation’s purpose is not to make someone’s name great but to lift up the name of Jesus! We will speak truth in love. The Word of God is not an opinion or a way. It is THE WAY.
God will raise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
We will open orphanages all over the world, from India to Africa, to South America, without neglecting our mission field at home. We will open a deliverance house called “Rebirth.” It will have men coming out of the world into the land of milk and honey, coming off the elements of bondage, being set free and delivered not through Pharaoh’s deception of recovery programs but through the blood of Jesus Christ! We will also have Manna Outreach on the streets and other assigned areas.

Our vision is to bring all these together:
love, compassion, fruits of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God. That is when the explosion happens. We will boldly do this. Everyone who desires to be touched by God will be. We have no place telling the Holy Spirit what to do. We are His servants. We will submit to Him. He is not here to serve us. He is our master. He calls the shots.
This is the shift in the body.
The church is not a Kingdom church if it is not using the power of the Holy Spirit in order to reach lost souls. Equipping and empowering the members of the Body of Christ, we will boldly go out and obey the great commandment in Mark 16:15-22, doing it the way God has designed us to do, not through programs and traditions. Doing it His way, we will see the harvest!