"I spent the first part of my adulthood traveling around the country and internationally, chasing a childhood dream of being a professional athlete. I picked up many vices along the way, trying to fill the void with drugs and alcohol. I knew the feeling of shame and suicidal thoughts that go with that lifestyle. I thought Jesus was for weak, gullible people who needed a crutch to get through their day-to-day lives. As my baseball career was crumbling I began to have an overwhelming feeling that I was being lied to about something. That’s when God revealed himself to me supernaturally while I was alone in a hotel room. 2 years later, I came to H.O.T. House of Truth with Leah, and we experienced the real baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit during a Friday night service. It’s an honor to be a part of a ministry that is free of hypocrisy and religious manipulation, just pure faith in the Blood of Jesus and the POWER of His resurrection to set us free!"
John Holdzkom
"I grew up Catholic and did all the Catholic things. I would go with my family and truly respected the time when I went. Going along with life, I felt like something was missing. I knew God loved me, but I lacked purpose and acceptance. I experienced a different type of worship going to college, which opened my eyes a bit more, but I always went back to what I knew. Until one day, my husband and I went to H.O.T. House of Truth. After going to some meetings, I realized this was what I was missing… The living breathing Holy Spirit! I had no idea I was trapped in a dead religion… just doing the same thing year after year. My eyes were opened and my heart finally felt filled with a fire I had never felt before. Since that day, God has been healing my heart and mind. I was once afraid to be who I really was, scared to say no to people in fear that I would let them down, I was bound by people pleasing, insecurities and the list went on. But now knowing my identity in Christ, and being given tools to the kingdom I can walk in the spirit and those things that bound me up I am now free from. All because of the truth here at H.O.T. . I’m thankful God led us here to learn and grow with the body of Christ."
Leah Holdzkom